@oaktree89: When it comes to this specific issue of casting, what people read as becomes the issue. If they're looking for a protagonist, and they think protagonist = white, a white Jewish person won't be discriminated against in the same way as other groups.
This is a little related to point 9, but my big one I realized I did in a past relationship were tests. By this, I mean thinking "If I go away for a few days and expect the house to look not destroyed when I come back because it's important to me, and him doing that shows he cares and knows what is important to…
@I'm Ron Burgundy?: For once, we agree.
@PipPipCheerio: Because I was extra paranoid about the baby-parasite disease, I had him buy the condoms, and I bought the hormonal stuff. So it was still pretty 50/50.
@StuckOnRepeat: Ditto. Way too Cronenberg at certain points.
See, this is why I get mad at the photoshop of horror posts here. Most of the work in this movie was done so well that upon a first viewing, almost everyone didn't even notice all the small things (floors/mirrors/etc) that go into retouching.
@georgia may fayne: That last line is brilliant.
@intangiblemango: we've come to that conclusion in the thread already.
@Nun Shall Pass: Exactly this, my thoughts exactly.
@kingalces: You might want to read some Tim Wise. :)
@LeyliMajnoun: It's basically the best show ever.
@kenzington: Well, even without that, I could see bias in the choices from donators based on appearance.
The site's nicely designed, I think the communication is good. It made me a little iffy that you could see the girls (there might be preference from the donators on which one is the cutest, from which country, etc.), but then I noticed that the list of children doesn't move on until the last in the short line has…
@Penny: Pssh, job privilege.
@ElleJay: Ditto on the first day thing, I'm freelance as well.
@infundibulum: God, that's almost as painful as a peer of mine saying "cache", as in information cache( pronounced like weapons cache), as "caché".