
@This Lady is Brutal: No, I know. That was exactly my point, the cultural shift in the perception of childhood/adolescence amongst this generation.

This is some sort of failery. Which is sad, because the type is half decent. The bouquet was clearly added in (see the flat drop shadow against her dress). The skintones are also horribly flattened to one hue.

I would love to see some sort of piece written out about the extension of childhood. I have a cousin who is... well, similar to Jenelle in her daily mindset, and has a 3 month old at 19.

@StuckOnRepeat: Don't forget the whole "I'm 1/32nd Irish~" Man, I hope you weren't here for St. Patricks, it's a shitshow.

@divinelioness: The closest I came with a white guy was one that was FOB from Eastern Europe. He came over JUST at the right age, before he could become too distant from diversity to date a black girl, and late enough that he had/has the experience of being an outsider.

@Suburban Snark: People are replying the way they did because, unlike a lot of people, we don't get to just simply -be-. Sure, a white person might get asked occasionally what they are as far as European background, but it really isn't the same since most European nations are now coded as "white".

@jurisenpai: Her, myself, and no other black people should have to be a teacher to white kids in our own country. They're not from some remote mountain village. They should learn on their own, just like we have about white people's hair.

@sterlingsilver36: I think my best experience with this (and somewhat surprisingly) was with a guy that came to the states in elementary school from the former soviet union. While his family had the potential to be questionable, he seemed to get the "outsider" thing really well.

@TopLevelExecutive: I think it can be summed up (the 90's to the 00's switch in black imagery) with the progression of the look of Destiny's Child chisled down to Beyonce.

@kookla: Yeah, I'm sure between the two of us (by the looks of our madmen icons) we'd add up to about... just under half a black person.

@kookla: Clearly, you are far more INTERESTING than me and my plain b/w mix.

@Queenjulie: This sentiment ties strongly into that recent blowup here about changing Huckleberry Finn.

@kookla: Also, I love that most white people just assume I'm 100% grade A negro, while most black people can tell instantly I'm mixed.

@laureltreedaphne: I can't reserach this too much for you or get into it, I'm at work, but here's a start: