
@xpenley: Judgment, yes. We are using a sense of judgment, sometimes all options aren't to be equally considered. There is -nothing- wrong with being a stay at home mom, it's a feminist choice, but leading minors to not be self-sufficient, and dragging that out into adulthood is not equal to sending a child to a

@thePrototype: Mn,using established law like the SW having legal brothels, it doesn't meant you can put yourself on a corner legally. You have to be in an established building with proper zoning.

@thePrototype: The concern I have is for the women not "worthy" of being in these places. If you look at the women of the legal brothels in the SW, they seem to be of a certain weight/race, etc., which is reflected to a lesser extent in the strip clubs across the country. At this time, the way the women in these two

@DollyGirl: I really don't think so, and I said twice that I understand where she's coming from, and I don't mean to discourage her.

For the design jezzies, this magazine is GORGEOUS. He must have dragged some good people along from Wallpaper.

Fuck cancer.

Besides the obvious, I feel horrible when I forget my moleskine. Also, it's something I base the size of my purses on. It should be as big as one of their sketchbooks, with a tad to spare for other unimportant items.... you know, like my wallet.

@LoSpaz: Nice! I wear mine in a similar rihanna way when I don't feel like fussing with it too much.

I think, unfortunately, things have gotten more extreme in ballet. The bodies, the poses, to the point now where if your body isn't the lowest weight it can be, people don't consider it "ballet"-worthy anymore.

@LoSpaz: It would be interesting, it would also be interesting if they advertised and marketed better, as well as doing "different" haircuts. I tend to go for more adventurous hairstyles (like I guess the ones you see on some hair models), it's hard to get a back salon to do it.

@pollythegreat: I saw him live. He is one of my favorite famous persons. Watching how Conan handles this now in retrospect compared to the horrible interview Jay did a few days ago(I only watched for the clip with CK, I swear!), it makes me so sad.

@LoSpaz: I think it depends on what sort of hair model you are. I'm sure you are aware that there are distinct black and white hair competition type events, so that exists. I'm talking more mainstream (again, white) schools like vidal sassoon, etc. They'll have a day on ethnic hair and be done with it. I'm pretty

@It's.Not.Opposite.Day: I think it's good to gather information. I had a white friend visit... and he very tentatively asked me "I... umm.... can I use your shampoo? I mean, will it work on my hair?" I revealed that I used the same mainstream brand that he did. It was sort of a shock to me, seeing as I HAVE to know

@SubvertAParadigm: Well said. This isn't so much integration as it is one person trying to stay in work, and another person getting someone to do black hair (because they can't), and hiring them as a "junior" hairdresser.

@Sandra Lee's Kwanzaa Cake: YES. I've also worked in advertising (creative/design) , and it's maddening. Especially when you're outside of the black mainstream like a mixed person in design that had a blonde mohawk at one point. When I don't know that many black people, and the black people I know are just as

@Chrysocolla: It's "easy" because the ideal in our culture is flat, straight, long hair. If my hair was considered the feminine ideal? You'd be having the kill your hair to get it to stick out. See what we're discussing here?

@H_is_for_Heretic: I know you mean well, I do, but you're coming off as really ignorant of our reality in this thread. First, you tell us what we should we offended at (when opinions vary amongst AA women), and base that upon misrepresentations of what is actually done at one of these salons you never frequent. You've

@LoSpaz: Honestly, with as much as black hairstyling costs, I can't see how schools can't find people to volunteer, or even pay a discount.

Pro: These shops actually can do black people's hair now