@Norton: Exactly. And when another person comes along, they have to be aware of the disrespectful appropriations. You can be the most "down-with-the-cause" white person ever, but wearing African prints out of "solidarity" is still going to come across as mockery because of examples before it.
@sexysecularist: God, I'm sorry you were unstarred for this. There could have been some great discussion in here, and actually I think I filled out my bingo card with "No, you're the REAL racist!" remarks and the such. Even if the person that unstarred you disagreed with your position, I don't see it as offensive…
@UmpteenthSarah: I came to this real, real late. If I thought there would be conversations like this, I would have actually looked at the article. I think you're on point, and historically the burning of disco LP's in Chicago towards the death of the disco era takes on a whole other subtext when you look at the…
@Thus Spake Kate is effulgent.: I know, weird choice for a song title when there's a band so well known for it. Also, her male dancers in that are great. Basically, everyone in that video has great uh... assets.
See, if Nicki wore military theme as well? All of their heads would have exploded.
@rhubarbarin: I think it's part the idealized feminine aspect, but also heavily the light and easily thrown/lifted/etc. thing you mentioned. For example, in men's ski jump, they've had to recently implement restrictions because men were starting to do things women athletes had been doing for years, thinking that the…
@Keyper81: The part that creeps me out is how passive they are, just laying there like dead fish.
@FelonKeller: Oh man, comment of the week material right here.
@The Notorious T E D: Oh god... that's the creepiest picture EVER.
@JinxyMcDeath: Oh shit, it is! I remember not liking the album because it's well... a little close to M.I.A. for me.
@fuzzylizardkitten: This is you. THIS is you on M.I.A.
@sayah: I thought long and hard (*snort*) about a response to this.
@Rbkboot: I've seen that one, it's good! I had a feeling that Sue was gay (which she is), but even so her and Giles have an odd sort of intimacy between them for two people not dating.
@One_Hot_Redhead: I couldn't be rolling my eyes harder. It's the oversimplification of the "ew, icky" mindset that got the poor piece into this censorship mess.
@fishy.loves.hug monster: Holy shit, yes! I love sharing documentaries with people.
@One_Hot_Redhead: To look critically at a piece, you have to go further than "EW, ICKY". You can dissect things that are ugly, it isn't that hard, promise. Having a conversation about a piece meaningfully goes beyond being so dismissive.
@One_Hot_Redhead: To be simple... no, that's not what art appreciation is about, liking something because it's "pretty" or "cute" instead of "ugly" or "creepy". That's not really the scale these days.