@eruantaliel: Very well thought out. I wish more people would think this through as much. All they need to do is look up some of the man's own quotes to see his viewpoint on the matter (hint: It's not good!).
@eruantaliel: Very well thought out. I wish more people would think this through as much. All they need to do is look up some of the man's own quotes to see his viewpoint on the matter (hint: It's not good!).
@JerseyGrrrl: You need to look past the obvious. The orcs are referenced by many to represent xenophobic views of the author at a time of immigration to Britain. Also, they're a mass of strong, dark, broad nosed, "slant-eyed", brutes that lack females of any kind (or at least they look completely the same).
@Nun Shall Pass: It's not that literal, it's what they represent. A lot of people think the fear of the darker "monsters" taking over reflected Tolkien's fear of immigration at the time the books where written.
This whole thing, for me, is muddied by the racism of that entire Lord of the Rings universe they're casting for.
@Ruby_de_la_Booby: He is one of those confusing manfolk that TOTALLY don't do anything for me in pictures of them in their 20's (my age), but now are so handsome and charming it's almost too much.
@lunchcoma: That's the first thign I noticed, too! And Michelle's like 6'0".... so if they're on the same level, which is seems like they are, that would put her already atlike 5'10"-5'11". That's an incredible jump.
This made my LIFE when it happened on Yo Gabba Gabba. It's so easy to tell when celebs have kids and want to do something they can watch.
@chompersonian: Well, these are the words of the site to which Jezebel linked.
@MsM: It's fine. I found it more funny than anything. Like going onto an article about quilting here and saying "I HATE QUILTS!" without thinking that people who do that hobby would be on.
@MsM: I guess I was trying to get inside your reasoning for posting in the first place. Compared to a lot of other posts, this one would attract the jezzies that are pierced and tattooed, right? Why make the effort to comment to just say you don't like it, as opposed to maybe asking a nuanced question about why we do?
Don't worry. I see most of the people buying this using all the "skin tone" flesh color for people, the browns for hair, and discarding the rest. it's a "natural colors" multi pack, not necessarily for making a multicultural cake.
@MsM: Well, good for you, I guess.
@Femzoil: I'm at 9/16", and I'm right there with you. I started because I'm allergic to nickel, and finding a variety of earrings that didn't cost an arm and a leg was just a painful, allergy filled experience. That, and I like how they look. I guess on the flipside to people saying that our ears are ugly, I find…
@accesskathryn: Graphic design isn't all color, and it's not like all colors were messed up for him.
"I am slightly amused and a bit annoyed at the tired and unsubstantiated claims, many I’m seeing on tumblr, that The Maury Show is somehow blatantly or indirectly racist. I want someone, instead of overworking their self-righteous jaw on their empty-calorie blog, to prove it. State your case. Give examples. Show how…
@Me.Yes.Me85: This is a rough idea of the look they were going for.
I've never thought of my "light brown" skin as someone else's hair....
@QuakerOates: I was making fun ,with some overt sarcasm, of people that want a break from people pointing out casual racism. It's usually for a dumb reason, and because "it's a holiday" isn't so extreme. I've seen "we're just trying to have fun!", etc.
@Coleasourous: That's awesome. I used to have an -art director- that was color blind. We blew his mind by telling him that "red velvet" cake was actually red when we had it for a coworker's birthday.
@ajlien03: *heavy breath* GOD, you guys! Stop complaining about implicit racism like a bunch of BABIES. It's a HOLIDAY WEEKEND.