
@andromache liebes the Deutsch: I snorted when I read the "weird" color. If it makes you feel better, burnt sienna is way more legitimate of a color in oil paints, dyes, etc, than "flesh". In fact, only a few companies I can think of even make that oil paint color, because it's usually so foul looking. (you're

I'll deem this okay only if we can start calling white people "pink people".

@hegetstheballhescoresagain: It's totally the presentation, I agree. If this was presented with bookends like the Marie Claire "fat" article, this would have been a different ballgame. Instead, they swung wide and missed by a mile.

@Oneirix: It's totally missing framing. And that was the huge fuck up. The Marie Claire piece that started a firestorm here recently had bookends of what the context of the article was, prompts for discussion, etc, to make sure it didn't look like a regular jezebel article that reflected the beliefs of the website.

@This Lady is Brutal: I think the thing that is missing is a forward or post-script from the editor. They screwed up BIG TIME on this one. A forward saying "This is a submission chronically the mindset of a man after a trip to Europe, and of the conclusions made while he was there. Discuss." even, followed by "How can

@crocuta: That just made me say "OH GOD" aloud. I love me some Spock.... but that's waaay too much eyebrow.

@DarlingMagpie: Well, to be fair, short hair is pretty much the normal despite the sex of the person, and in Asia not very long ago at all long hair (or at least sections of long hair) on both sexes was the norm.

@mordicai: My designer hands are just itchy to color correct that photo. :(

@crocuta: Nice smug face! (this was an excuse to fit in Spock)

Zapfino, really?

This is why I get SO PISSED that one of my friends never buckles up when I drive with her. If it were my car, I'd refuse to drive her... but when she's driving, it leaves you just sort of hoping for the best.

She did the right thing in this situation. However, if anyone seeing this feels bad about not being able to act in a similar situation in the past, sometimes it's not safe to.

@Poodle_Heart: Usually at the head of the train. There's usually an emergency call button, but they can't come until they reach the next station.

@yumpopink: A lot of the time, they find a gray area in live in. For example, in Chicago "dress codes" are used, though of course really you could call anyone's pants too baggy if you wanted.

@lodown: But they're "different", see? Timothy McVeigh was a crazed -individual-, not a crazed white person.

@SnowQueen: I grow more and more thankful for Orson Wells and Franz Kafka every new year.

@lodown: *ding ding* right on the money. It's especially important to stress this, since some people's solution for this who mess includes suggesting profiling.