I just watched episode 4. I really have to say that it brought a smile to my face.
I just watched episode 4. I really have to say that it brought a smile to my face.
I'm sad to think that such a surprisingly sweet sort of ode to a cultural body language will be taken up by the internets as "HAHA, aren't black (who am I kidding, probably the "n" word) people funny!?"
@betabiter13: Opera, some sort of fund raiser? I see them in the city from time to time, and that seems to be where the ladies are going.
Oh man. I would get married in #15.
@lalie (apologetic mess): Thanks. Can't say which episode, of course. But it's making it harder and harder to watch television/read magazines/ etc when you realize what's behind it all.
@lalie (apologetic mess): Oh, you have no idea how much I wish I could comment. Yet I cannot.
@The Fake Santa Claus: Oh, I'll totally designer/artist rant right with you. The poster is crap. Really, really horrible.
At first as I read this, and usually, I don't wish for a sibling.
@partyannamal: Same here. I think maybe it's why I got so into art, went to school for it, and now it's my career.
@PrisonBreakShaker: That's true. I'm only seeing the pictures, I didn't watch the live show, so it's hard to tell if these are her "Harajuku Girls" or not, if you know what I'm saying.
@PrisonBreakShaker: Curious, though... as someone that's stated on multiple occasions that she's bisexual... wouldn't whatever she thinks be part of the GLBT community instead of a comment from the outside?
@kbrook: It's also saddening in an older movie when there's a scene "in the future" that features the buildings, ala The Matrix, A.I., etc.
Oh man.
I don't know what to think about the hair, since my hair looks like that before glossing or flat ironing, etc. Hers may be a weave, but some black people's hair actually looks like that, and it isn't inherently crap.
Oh god, as an ad person, #8 made me guffaw out loud.
@Fridge Hussy: I'm gonna wash that pollie right out of my hair...: You know, the DEA is hiring Ebonics translators to make out wired conversations, phone calls, etc.
@roquelaure: Same! I haven't seen a color marketed quite so hard for a season in a long time.
I love how some people are talking about spontaneously bursting into tears, and some are disgusted.
Stuff like this is why I work in advertising.
@lka.sfa.: I also didn't hate zooey deschanel, surprisingly. Sometimes, I think she's too perfect, I think. ha