If anyone is interested, Netflix has one of his smaller movies that's really great, besides Mysterious Skin.
If anyone is interested, Netflix has one of his smaller movies that's really great, besides Mysterious Skin.
@evafortuna: Boobage. This trend has been a godsend. 34D's in a large shirt that comes to my bellybutton.... no thanks.
@cranberrybird: Wouldn't it be more of a drugs game?
I admire the lack of retouching (although the stuff back then that was hand done was hardcore craft), but I wish the photograph had better lighting.
@vamvaki_poulaki: Have you seen any of his celebrity photographs? Absolutely no snark intended, but lots of magazines will "borrow" the man for a special spread because he can apply his fine art aesthetic to a celebrity spread. The 'shopping goes along with it.
@raincoaster: I just wish people would have googled before making comments worse than yours. : / His art is about REACTING to this pop culture mess we're exposed to.
@apt11: Welcome to the club. The photoshop stories that seem to happen multiple times a week make me headdesk on a regular basis as a graphic designer.
@crocuta: Oh... Oh God. *save*
@katiebobatie: Yeah, I know I'm pretty much fucked.
@crocuta: Is that Buster Keaton with a puppy in his pants?
@withoutabaedeker: Oh Spock. By the way, this is the best episode ever for him being out of character.
@maude_flanders: It is Bob Sapp, an American wrestler who is a minor celebrity in Japan (aka foreign, huge, black oddity)
@Me.: It's one of my lesser favorite type families... Bell Gothic.
The bad type and motion graphics compared to the original make me sad, since the lyrics fit in pretty well. : /
@lodown is waiting for MizJenkins: I think it depends on the country and how you are coded as a foreigner. I've heard horror stories about Black US women getting their asses grabbed in public in Spain with little disregard for them being a person, people assuming they are some sort of prostitute, etc.
@LaFemme: All true, I agree and sympathize with your situation. However, I do have a sad envy of the fact that (I don't know about mexico, but at least in the US) that you're appearance as described would get you at least -some- pushback from society at large against these creeps. And, if anything happened (god…
@superwoman: That was extremely sweet of her. More people (women AND men) need to openly call these assholes out.
@Briphelia: In a similar, yet very different way, I think it's the same way as a woman giving another woman a backhanded compliment. If you tell some "Oh, that new haircut you have is -so- interesting. I couldn't pull off short hair, it can make you look sooo fat", it's really about putting the other person in their…