
If anyone is interested, Netflix has one of his smaller movies that's really great, besides Mysterious Skin.

@evafortuna: Boobage. This trend has been a godsend. 34D's in a large shirt that comes to my bellybutton.... no thanks.

I admire the lack of retouching (although the stuff back then that was hand done was hardcore craft), but I wish the photograph had better lighting.

@vamvaki_poulaki: Have you seen any of his celebrity photographs? Absolutely no snark intended, but lots of magazines will "borrow" the man for a special spread because he can apply his fine art aesthetic to a celebrity spread. The 'shopping goes along with it.

@raincoaster: I just wish people would have googled before making comments worse than yours. : / His art is about REACTING to this pop culture mess we're exposed to.

@apt11: Welcome to the club. The photoshop stories that seem to happen multiple times a week make me headdesk on a regular basis as a graphic designer.

Really, really? Mock bad photoshop, but it's fucking LaChapelle. He's not so much a production artist (retoucher) as a "fine artist"

@crocuta: Oh... Oh God. *save*

@crocuta: Is that Buster Keaton with a puppy in his pants?

@withoutabaedeker: Oh Spock. By the way, this is the best episode ever for him being out of character.

@maude_flanders: It is Bob Sapp, an American wrestler who is a minor celebrity in Japan (aka foreign, huge, black oddity)

@Me.: It's one of my lesser favorite type families... Bell Gothic.

The bad type and motion graphics compared to the original make me sad, since the lyrics fit in pretty well. : /

@lodown is waiting for MizJenkins: I think it depends on the country and how you are coded as a foreigner. I've heard horror stories about Black US women getting their asses grabbed in public in Spain with little disregard for them being a person, people assuming they are some sort of prostitute, etc.

@LaFemme: All true, I agree and sympathize with your situation. However, I do have a sad envy of the fact that (I don't know about mexico, but at least in the US) that you're appearance as described would get you at least -some- pushback from society at large against these creeps. And, if anything happened (god

@superwoman: That was extremely sweet of her. More people (women AND men) need to openly call these assholes out.

@Briphelia: In a similar, yet very different way, I think it's the same way as a woman giving another woman a backhanded compliment. If you tell some "Oh, that new haircut you have is -so- interesting. I couldn't pull off short hair, it can make you look sooo fat", it's really about putting the other person in their