I was speaking rhetorically. There’s no way they can salvage the show at this point. When half your season is garbage, you’ve got a bad show on your hands. This season at the very least is a lost cause.
I was speaking rhetorically. There’s no way they can salvage the show at this point. When half your season is garbage, you’ve got a bad show on your hands. This season at the very least is a lost cause.
Completely agreed. The characters of Picard and Seven are almost nothing like what they used to be. Seven should never have been in the series, at least not in this capacity.
As soon as Brophy admits in an interview that he was asked, but declined to appear, I will continue to be annoyed. And it’s less about “continuity” and more about throwing a nice bone to a guy whose career never really took off.
Yeah, it’s weird. This entire show is a nostalgia-play, and they go out of their way to reference the old shows (this week it was Rios’ fake reference “Mr Quark from Ferenginar”) and then they do weird stuff like “recast Bruce Maddox for some reason”. And that’s after they bothered to bring back Hugh for like a bit…
There was a quick offhand mention of Quark. I would lovea Bill Sadler return
I will be fine with these Rangers being a military unit (although that’s apparently not the case), or a baseball team, or even a bunch of anti-refugee militia-cosplayers could be interesting.
Since they’re doing ALL THE CAMEOS, can we have Avery Brooks prophet his way into Picard’s brain to give him some vital clue, but spend most of the time trashing him to his face? The only person I would accept being salty at Picard is Sisko. Also get Alexander Siddig back.
Fine just give me Season 8 of DS9. I’d be…
We live for the one, we die for the one.
Especially considering they brought back Jonathan Del Arco. I really doubt they were like “LOL LET’S JUST RECAST *THIS* ROLE.” Although they didn’t bring back Manu Intiraymi to play Icheb, buuuuut they probably didn’t want people talking about how he thinks it’s terrible how Kevin Spacey was treated.
There are more than a few Trek episodes that need to be shot into the sun and removed from the collective memory, and Code of Honor is at the top of that list.
Everyone wants to make ten grand for two days work.
Season One of TNG is like some never-ending slurry of sexism, to the point that even in the episodes like “Code of Honor”, where the sexism isn’t actually the worst thing on display, the sexism is so. very. on. display.
Roddenberry was also shagging anybody he could still get his ailing hands on and Maurice Hurley was busy sexually harassing Gates McFadden off the show. I think tasteful clothing was the last thing on their minds.
Christ, look at the guest actors. Back in Season One, the extras in “Justice” were practically in speedos,…
Can confirm that’s actually a pretty common sentiment, and is generally considered one of the unambiguously good things that Jellicoe changed about the Enterprise. I’d go even further and say that the blue uniform also looked a lot better on Seven than the catsuit, even though she only wore the uniform for one episode.
I’m that weirdo who always found the female cast members of Star Trek more attractive in comfortable clothes. My favorite Troi outfit is when they finally stuck her in a damn uniform in the last season. She looked fantastic.
So? They brought back the same old coots who played Arne Darvin and the OG Klingons and none of them had terribly robust resumes at the time.
It’s not like it would be unusual for Star Trek to bring back a one-off guest star for a cameo decades later. I can think of a half-dozen examples off the top of my head.
I can’t believe they recast a guy who barely acts anymore with someone who works constantly!
Aye, they apparently recast Brian Brophy with John Ales. Very disappointing.