
No, because those 2 things are not even remotely analogous and you know it. There is not an entire populace of women being legitimately oppressed because they have split ends. But, by all means, continue insinuating that having an opinion about the hair of someone who is voluntarily in the public eye makes me a bad

Also not tagged Snap Judgment But Only If You Have Something Nice to Say Because One Should Always Be Nice to Celebrities.

As a casino employee I can attest that security/ management will do nothing about a "guest" chanting things like that to a dealer. Expecially if they are a whale. Working in/for a casino sucks for all of us with lady bits.

“I would never go through a side door. It’s not something I would do. I’m philosophically opposed to that"

She would never go through a side door? WTF? As a fellow wheelchair user, I've used side doors, back doors, and service entrances (I rode up a service elevator with a vegetable shipment to a burger place in Chicago several times). I support her fight for accessibility (Hollister stores are NOT usually accessible), but

His Female Body Inspector shirt is probably somewhere in Texas.

Wow! And here I thought $17,000 for mine was going to be really too much to ask! Now I know I was so, so, so wrong!

I think you are taking the quote out of context:

I guess it comes across as weird to me because I don't understand why anyone needs to decide if an actor, especially one in a supporting role, is an angel or a devil: why they need to decide if Gwyneth Paltrow is a complete asshole, or Angelina Jolie is a hateful automaton, or if we're actually doing a 180 on Jolie

Agreed. It's all part of the gig, really. Long time ago, I worked with a leading man in theatre who was sizzlingly talented (handsome, could act, loads of charisma) but who introduced himself by saying that he was "difficult to work with." And he really was: great on stage, but a snide, yelling, tantrum-having

Hey, fortunately, January Jones is not the only pretty, bitchy woman ever so my point can still stand!

I think the problem is this: In Hollywood, you can be a great actor with a terrible personality; or you can be a terrible actor with a great personality; OR you can be a terrible actor with a fascinating trainwreck personality.

But you simply cannot afford to be a bad actor with a cold boring personality - unless

Think so?

What's with the article pic? Is it a "We are all looking at Facebook" stock photo or something?

The picture for this article is the worst choice ever.

This is a bit of twisted reporting. There is an 18 year old pursuing a 15 year old. Sexual preference, genders, and all other facts aside, this is illegal. It is not some little-known law, either- we are all very aware of the consent laws that make an adult sexually consorting with a child illegal.
The trial is

If you have ever in your life referred to an 18 year old boy who had consensual sex with a 15 year old girl as a "rapist," then I expect you to be consistent in your principles and call this girl a rapist as well. Otherwise you're showing an astonishing double standard.

Why do I think that religious nut parents would also have gone to the police if their 14 or 15 year old daughter (some sites say 14, some say 15) was having sex with an 18 year old dude?

Of, for fuck's sake, read a basic history book and stop embarrassing yourself. The ancient Egyptians did not reek of feces, they had a very strong sense of personal hygiene and they always made sure they were dressed in clean clothes. Even Herodotus personally remarked on that.