
A branch of statistics that lets us measure how much we've learned, relative to our prior assessment of a outcome's probability, based on new information/data.

Anna -

The concern is twofold:

I think if you re-read the (professor of medicine's, fwiw) comments, you'll find them entirely rational.

"Bad doctoring"?? Seriously?

So basically the porn tape plays the same vital role for Farrah as Guy Pearce's little Polaroids did for him in "Memento"?

The Sun has the gross habit of forcing idiotic words into readers' mouths... you see some poor couple who've won a discount-ferry trip to Belgium or something, with the headline in 40-pt type: "Thank you, my Sun!!!"

We all seem to trust ourselves to recognize and reject faulty premises, yet assume most people cannot... it's an interesting phenomenon.

I may have read it far too uncritically, but it seemed they were going for a theme of "Men are much less critical than you realise - and probably than you yourself are... so that's good news."

I honestly have no idea what you're on about. Eyeballing the top-line summaries of your posts was more than enough bile and rage for me — if there's details below, I'm mercifully unaware of them.

What form would a constructive hetero-normative dialog about bodies and physical attractiveness take?

I thought a master satirist was behind it too, based on the headline.

People winning "battles" against you really have no other option: it's essentially impossible not to win. Not least because you get so twisted into rage-y knots you wind up arguing against yourself. (From "no one can touch you w/out permission" to a would-be condescending "have some ass pats"... classic.)

Rich enough that she should be checking her privilege 24-7.

Will there be any evidence or supporting facts for this position? (Which seems to have metastasized from "There aren't five significant female producers in Hollywood" to "No talented women in Hollywood, regardless of reputation and position, has the power she deserves.")

Unwanted touching and sexual harassment.. marvelous.

You seem to spend a lot of time losing arguments you instigate, then scuttling away cursing the victor, don't you?

You equate some slurs with impending personal violence, but consider swearing wholly neutral?

I think the single easiest marker of education/socioeconomic status as it relates to swearing is where it takes place.

"Just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed a critique of something problematic I had said" might serve as an unofficial commentariat motto.