Damn, I walked into a Mazda dealership 3 weeks ago to drive a brand new Miata, and after a quick peek at my license, they handed me the keys and told my BF to feel free to ride with me.
Damn, I walked into a Mazda dealership 3 weeks ago to drive a brand new Miata, and after a quick peek at my license, they handed me the keys and told my BF to feel free to ride with me.
I agree completely. It was my first thought upon seeing his mugshot. My first thought, again, when I saw the news footage of him in the courthouse. He noticed the camera and flashed them a big ol, high-as-a-kite grin.
That is beyond fantastic.
It’s all about the money, so that’ll never happen. I do love the idea, though.
So far, they’ve only turned of Deadspin comments. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time, though. Say what you need to say!
Great suggestions! I’ve already sent him a text today, and will continue to do so as long as I’m not blocked.
I laughed so fucking hard when I saw that clip this morning. ‘Twas exactly what I needed.
Let’s throw a third team on the field for the sole purpose of aiding/interfering with the current play. Could get amusing...
I’m so down for a baseball team train.
I took a photo of that post if anybody wants that phone number...
One of AFraud’s former teammates trolled the shit outta him on twitter with that photo.
Cut the sugar, friend. I went low carb for about 7 month and dropped 25lbs. I’ve brought bread and some pasta back into my diet, but still stay away from soda/desserts/whatnot, and the weight is staying off. Take care of you!
What I want next is a Miata w/a retractable hardtop. If I traded the 3 in right now, I may come out a couple grand ahead, but that’ll cover TT&L for the new car, and nothing else. I don’t want to start from scratch like that. I figure if I give it a couple years, someone else will have taken the depreciation hit on…
Rule 34. There is porn for EVERYTHING. If someone has thought it, it’s find-able.
If you have even a hint of a reason to suspect someone has posted photo/video of you on any porn sites, visit their favorite sites and do a search. My ex posted video of me on pornhub and a couple of other sites after we broke up. I searched my real name, and any screennames that I used during our relationship. When I…
Love that idea!
My reaction when I saw that guy was ‘WHOA, THE STIG IS THERE?!?’.
This is the comment I needed to read, thank you! I’m currently in a 2015 Mazda3 that I owe just over 6k on. I’ve been working all the options in my head to figure out when the best time would be to trade in for my newest want. At the moment, I’m thinking: pay off the 3 (which will take just over another year), then, fo…
He was also incredibly abusive to the underclassmen while he was in military school. He lied about everything then, and nothing has changed. He’s still an abusive piece of shit. If you’re a podcast listener, check out ‘The Dollop’. It’s an American history podcast hosted by two comedians. They did an incredible 2 part…