Did you read Riley’s critiques? His main point is that Spike Lee made a movie about a COINTELPRO operative and then had to go in make up shit to make said operative look good. The problem isn’t the movie. The problem is Spike Lee is claiming its a true story.
Black Klansmann isn’t Schindler’s List. It’s Inglourious…
My main problem with the whole bomb plot was that I don’t think it was written well. It was all way to coincidental...
Some Alternate titles for this article:
Cole, Savannah and Everleigh...ugghhhh. And no surprise, Ladera Ranch is where the Real Housewives originated.
The fact that we are missing critical information that, according to one party, definitely exists, yet is wholly unsubstantiated other than their word it does, would without a doubt change the direction this discourse is going is cause for both pause and concern.
Ooooh have I gotta story for you. I just started at a new job and one of my co-workers was talking about how he doesnt use any kind of dishes, silverware or cups, he uses paper plates, plastic silverware, and solo cups, and TRASHES them all. AT LEAST RECYCLE THE SOLO CUPS, BUDDY. And also, what sort of man-child ARE…
I do a lot of pet-sitting (the perfect side gig for a writer) and I definitely judge people by their recycling habits. I mean, there’s trying and there’s simply not giving a fuck, and those who don’t give a fuck about the planet tend to have DGAF habits about the rest of their housekeeping too. Recycling IS…
I’d love to see a serious implementation of composting with at-curb pickup of raw materials. Most paper products in our daily lives are better used as (properly processed) compost, than as recycling anyway.
Or maybe we regulate packaging etc. so that we don’t make the earth uninhabitable for ourselves. So, banning plastic beverage bottles, pretty much most all plastics would be better, and if not banning them outright, have rules that require those using plastic packaging to be responsible for providing the proper means…
Sweet baby Jesus, that’s a whole lot of gorgeous in one photo.
Thank you for this. As someone who works for B&N all the negativity from my Jez community is really upsetting me. I got a job with them in the late ‘90s - I applied at both Borders and B&N and it was the luck of the draw that I ended up where I did. And I had many friends at Borders too.
It’s important that B&N stays in business. It’s a cornerstone of the publishing world and, for many people, the only local bookstore. IMO there can never be too many books whether it’s indie stores or B&N - just not Amazon. They are destroying retail.
This is true, but have you seen anybody in a position of power who espouses well-regulated capitalism lately? It’s all about deregulation and more tax-breaks for the rich, they have damned capitalism in the eyes of the public by destroying those government protections, and it’s been their mission since Reagan.
I’m voting here without ID. If that gives Kris Kobach an aneurysm I might not be sad.
It’s not a conspiracy theory. There was all the time in the world for this to come out, and it comes out two days before a key primary in which Ellison is the leading Democratic candidate? And on top of that, it’s a fundamentally evidence-free claim? Get the fuck outta here. Sorry, but the texts prove nothing other…
To be fair, it’s not like the guy Obama helicoptered in to defeat him is good either. He’s bad in more structural ways rather than interpersonal ones.