Looking forward to Trump calling for a mass-boycott of insulin.
Looking forward to Trump calling for a mass-boycott of insulin.
Honestly, he’s outside actively campaigning to make this more common.
So Sikh man, working with the party of racism and hatred, gets attacked by men who I would not be even slightly surprised to find out are members of the party of racism and hatred...welp this 2018 in a nutshell.
Meh, if a crowd doesn’t want to be disrespected, then maybe they can try not being complete assholes and disrespecting damn near every player in an entire tournament based on the character selection screen?
You seriously think this has started under Trump and hasn’t been in the works for decades? Really?
Started under Turmp? This has been going on for decades. Bush and Obama let bankers weasel out of paying for the financial crisis they created, Clinton signed NAFTA which helped push labor unions down and allowed for generous profits to move product to wherever it could be produced cheapest. Look at the local tax…
RIGHT? I am so tired of this idea that we are defined by the titles of “wife/mother/job” as if that is what makes us worthy of respect*.
Those involved in the original investigation, including co-prosecutor Tim Clements, who is now at a law firm in Cleveland, spoke out on the day the documents were released saying not only was it a mistake to settle with the teens for $41 million but that the city should not have vacated its original convictions.
Instead of the things you outline, “Russia hacked the election!” absolves them of any self-reflection and ownership of their loss. I doubt a campaign model that involves less money in their war chest is their goal.
I’m actually kind of wondering if the Democratic party isn’t just a front so the GOP has someone to play against. You know, like how the Harlem Globetrotters play the Washington Generals?
Gotta love, “Even though DNA evidence totally exonerated the defendants, we followed correct procedure, the jury convicted them, and that should have been that.” That kind of “procedure is all that matters” thinking is a big part of what’s wrong with the justice system, as if mystical alchemy renders the innocent…
This contrasts with the progressive view that seems to presume that votes won by Democrats in 2016 could not conceivably be lost in 2018
The Koch brothers have helped kill two transit programs in Nashville. Not only would it have helped the terrible traffic situation, but it would have helped those not able to afford private transportation move around the city much easier. The Koch brothers are based out of Wichita, Kansas...They are the real life…
Nah, the problem is putting up Democratic candidates that people actually want to vote for. Voting is a chore and a lot of people won’t bother if they’re not excited about their choices.
Wait, we didn’t fire Robby Mook and Brian Fallon into the sun after 2016? Elon, I know it’s been a rough couple of weeks, but this is your chance to shine. To correct the record, if you will.
Dear Lord the establishment Democrats are fucking morons.
It’s simple right? They confessed when they didn’t commit the crime. There was some kind of fault on the part of the police. Why would these Children confess to a crime they didn’t commit? For fun? The idea that the police did a good job working this case is so ridiculous it’d be funny if it wasn’t disgusting.