
This is pure ahistorical bullshit. The whole “the Middle East has been locked in war for centuries and they’ve hated each other for centuries” thing is one of the most highly criticized bits of Orientalist logic and myths that still exists. Every MENA specialist learns to roll their eyes at it.

Right wing dumbasses pretend to not understand there is a difference between being critical of the state of Israel and having any sort of feelings about people who are ethnically or religiously Jewish.

Saban is trash. His rabid bigotry against Arabs and Palestinians is well documented. He, like his fellow traveler in filth Dershowitz, is not a liberal in any meaningful sense of the term because he rejects the fundamental premises of liberal democratic political theory. The reality is he holds a number of moderate or

Progressives should split off from the Democrats and start the Socialist party. We need more than two parties.

This is ... something

We aren’t going to let scum like this take our state.

UpriseRI noted that the party’s executive director says that Earnheart regrets his vote for Trump.

I remember when Geithner was nominated for Treasury Secretary.  My first thought was:  “Barack Obama may have just played us for suckers.”  It wasn’t until he caved on “healthcare reform” and changed it to “health insurance reform” that I knew it for sure.

“Democrats: the corrupt, immoral assholes who aren’t Nazis.” is a great slogan.

Let’s address the elephant in the room: cargo pants are comfortable and eminently useful. But I’m an old fuck, I camp a lot and I don’t care if I look like I raided Eddie Vedder’s wardrobe circa 1996.

As a Dues paying member myself, I second this!  They are a pretty great org. that does a lot of local actions.  

If you've ever considered joining the DSA please go ahead and do it. Those dues are gonna have the opportunity to really shake some shit up. 🌹

Never interrupt your enemy while they are making mistakes.

Here, let me lie about something. Wait, you can easily prove that it’s a lie? Why would you do that? I feel so discriminated against!

On the on hand I’m suck of seeing her pinch mouth whey faced ugly mug.

Conflict is fine, it just doesn’t have to always be “And then we kill this character’s loved one.” Looking at genre media, I loved pairings like John and Aeryn from Farscape, and Nomi and Amanita from Sense8, who were happy couples who faced crazy shit together.

You say this as if I’m asking for queer folks to never be touched or suffer harm in games. That the kid gloves should remain on and our stories be precious fluff. I hear variations of this argument a lot, like when I wrote about David Cage’s treatment of woman. That’s certainly not the case; many of the stories I’ve

From that sniveling shit-on-a-stick WaPo article:

We have recent administrations directly responsible for killing a few million brown skinned people for reasons that defy explanation.

The most powerful form of protest is with your wallet.”