Where were you six weeks ago when I quit my job after three consecutive 55+ hour weeks and the seventh in three months?
Where were you six weeks ago when I quit my job after three consecutive 55+ hour weeks and the seventh in three months?
reading is fundamental. the cop was 30, that aint no goddamn baby
Gary Johnson voters, apparently, have been forgiven.
Well in fairness, Kelly and Miller can’t really go out in the sunlight safely, on account of them being vampires who feast on the blood of young children.....speaking of which, that’s probably why they’re taking the children away. They require lots of blood sacrifices
I mean...how dare they publish book reviews? Is there anything wrong or uncalled for there? Even if there were (and there isn’t), how does anything on that page preclude an accurate criticism of the Trump administration?
Nielsen having the fucking gall to go to a Mexican restaurant isn’t even the most predictable thing a Trump wannabe did this evening:
IF it had to be remade (it didn’t), and you wanted to change the time period, WHY would you think a contemporary white family is the way to do it? Make them a Black family in WWII: Meg works at a factory instead of as a governess; instead of pinching her nose, Amy attempts to lighten her skin to fit in at school.
Wow, this is some smug bullshit.
When you have 1-2 customer service agents and they spend half their day having to evaluate at those requests instead of legitimate queries, it does matter.
Proper response:
Dont give Square any stupid ideas! They come up with enough on their own!
in case there is any doubt as to where I stand on this—and I may write about it at more length later—I think this whole thing is a TERRIBLE idea
Anyone who has ever left a meeting with 45 has evidenced surety that it went according to their lights. Only to be radically disappointed, later.
Not that I wasn’t looking for reasons to dislike Bill, but...yeah, Bill Clinton was always kind of ass, wasn’t he?
If you read the Vanity Fair piece I linked in the article, you’d know she doesn’t.
While the sheer abuse leveled at Brown for a minor violation is the most important thing, there’s a secondary level to this mess.
It all matters. All of it. A president who won’t speak out about another president and his horrible behavior matters. A president who doesn’t feel that what he did to women matters, because it allows shit like what is happening in our country to happen. It starts with getting away with calling women and people of…