
Aside from the unsafe, nonworking lights and call stations, the conditions of facilities on campus have deteriorated into what some campus dwellers feel are hazardous. Students report rampant mold in dorms and unsanitary conditions in the student cafeteria.

At the town hall meeting on Wednesday the 20th, Harvey announced that the endowment of Hampton University is now over $300 million dollars, up from $29 million 40 years ago. We have the money. The new cafe costed $25 million dollars. The is building a brand new dorm as we speak. Hampton University is one of the

“...The bugs were not found until after the student left the dining hall. Therefore, it is not known when the bugs got on the dessert.”

Exactly. It only “accidentally” slips out if it’s part of your regular vernacular. Because of how human brains work, the insults/trash talk/rage one uses pulls from the small pool of most used ones when distracted by something such as a game, bypassing the frontal lobe.

If you are on the internet in a situation where people you don’t know can see or hear you, you are in public, full stop.

E! Has been super dedicated to sucking hard recently (I’m talking about recent personnel stuff only- their programming choices are a separate issue...)

If Access Hollywood does things right, they’ll set up their cameras to show Ryan being dodged by celebs in the background.

The “it was an accident/I didn’t mean to use those words” defense is always baffling to me. I get salty sometimes during games. Even during Overwatch. But it’s never even occurred to me to use the words these guys do. These words don’t just accidentally slip out.

What is this “actually innocent” fuckery? If your conviction is overturned, you’re right back at “innocent until proven guilty.” There’s no “double chocolate innocent with whipped cream and sprinkles.” Innocent is innocent.

I don’t usually condone such retribution but eye for an eye in this instance. Convict ol buddy for falsifying evidence and withholding information that could have released an innocent man wrongly put on death row and put his ass on death row for it. And then ten years after he’s convicted, “say jk lol. You’re free to

Um, even if she didn’t have students covering for her, her being a racist and spreading her bigotry via the internet has something to do with her job. No child of any race should have to get their education from or be left in the care of a White Supremacist. If she supported a pro-pedophilia group online, would you

I’m going to need you to explain what you mean by “political leanings.”

When I heard about this I didn’t think I would give him anything but I might follow this person’s lead:

You should Google “summer savings for teachers”. Might save you making a fool of yourself.

You should have to

Sounds good to me!

Good lord. I have to admit I just finally got around to watching it last month (I almost never go see movies in theaters because the only one close to me is a second-run place that smells bad, and then I just never got around to it even though I have no excuse since I have an HBOGo subscription and it’s been on there

One of the weirder things I’ve seen is white people saying that they liked the movie until it got “bogged down with messaging”. One dude told me he liked everything about the movie except the “blatant” race stuff, and I was like...the whole fucking movie is blatant race stuff! I also feel like they missed the point of

Don’t know the age of this voter quoted in THR, but yikes.