
We can’t. When so much money is involved, the elephants and rhinos and tigers and bears are just collateral damage. They’re done. We are a species that consumes and anihilates others. We are also a species that breeds unrestrained and exponentially. While many people, scientists mainly, know the truth and

They might as well go with crossbreeding the species at this point. 3 individuals does not a viable gene pool make. The inbreeding required to keep a 100% northern white rhino line going (even if Ol Pejeta gets it up) would make West Virginia blush.

First of all, no.

Where would they go? You really think they’d be welcome anywhere else? They’re not all Charlize Therons. Land owners aside, there’s a huge population of Afrikaners that live in abject poverty, and there’s a growing base of white supremacist movements there. There’s a few specials on the squatter camps they live in

I agree with your first take. Disagree with your second take. People who were born there are South African citizens. That genie is already out of the bottle. The land seizing however is definitely justice.

The absence of visible Asian Americans in music points to pretty clear racism, obviously.

Hey, congratulations on that one dude.

Well losing with 3 million more votes so can you really call that losing or a tilted system. Let’s not forget who went to the hill backing a single payer plan back in the 90's.

Those centrist party candidates are winning, though.

Even worse, they don’t realize that it is a winning issue that would drive people to the polls.

At this point a strong endorsement by the DCCC or EMILY’s list in the primary is the kiss of death for me. It means that the endorsed candidate is going to be a weak corporate Dem who will be utterly worthless at campaigning, fighting the GOP, or working to make the lives of Americans better. If a democratic candidate

Hm, she’s had her face tweaked recently.

I’m really glad all those extremist Arab countries that fund all these terror groups are on the list too... oh wait.

Didn’t she also say women were only for Bernie Sanders bc of his male supporters, or some such nonsense?

I think it’s absolutely essential to break the association between an orgasm and “successful” sex. Sex is good when the parties enjoy it, period. Sometimes you’ll come and she won’t, and that’s fine as long as you’re both contented. Sometimes she’ll come and you won’t, and that’s also fine. Sometimes neither of you

By dumb arguement I mean one to hurt your relationship about. Trust me I’m all for discussing scifi related discussions and everything with that. But to get hurt over this is insane to me.

UK Update:

The only real shame here is that they didn’t bother to go find the original design docs from when this was going to be a SNES CD release and execute on those for the remake. The fact that the game was supposedly cut down drastically to fit it on a cart for release has always been the most broken thing about the game.

Secret of Mana is not a great game. It only was a great game.

In your fiancee’s defense, this game has always been boring. Shame they ruined the art and soundtrack, though. Those were among the best of the generation.