
Jeff placed a person into a potentially dangerous situation because of a fucking game, and he claims it was because he was ignorant of transgender issues but is now educating himself. Fuck you, Jeff. The only reason to be misinformed about transgender issues in this our year of the lord April 2017 is because you

OJ had far better defense attorneys than Robert Kardashian, who had not practiced law for about 20 years, and Kardashian did not reactivate his license to be a volunteer defense attorney for OJ. He did it so that he couldn’t be compelled to testify to OJ’s treatment that he witnessed, or to the bag he, Robert,

Never been impressed with things like this. Takes zero skill, just an absolute ton of wasted time that could have been better used elsewhere. At least speed runners are bettering their game. This improves on nothing, in 500 hours.

wow what a complete waste of time!

They’re an interesting design choice. You’re overlooking one of the main reasons they’re useful, though, and that’s that they let you have a predictable control over how much EXP the player gets. With enemies on the world map, the player can easily escape them. They may end up getting underleveled, so it may be best

The thing is: It would take so little work for a popular gal like Jenner to get some political action done. If she asked each on of her followers to text or call a states person, demand the release of a prisoner, object to a new bill (etc) those million or so voices would hop-to and maybe actually get something

Excuse me, but in a blind taste test they all voted for Pepsi.

It’s disturbing, and yet not surprising, when kids start in on the learned misogyny so young (not that they should start at all). When I have kids, if I see this happening, I will make a point of approaching parents and teachers who do nothing and call them out on the fact that their kindergarteners are already acting

About time that THE BEST GAME EVER MADE finally gets a headache-free way to play it on modern machines.

As I recall PewDiePie didn’t apologise for being offensive but more the classic “I’m sorry YOU’RE offended” line every amateur “comedian” trots out when they get caught.

I have a vision of two shifts. Day shift builds and when they clock out the night shift dismantles everything. The cost over runs would be crazy.

“Eternal General, Donald Trump, Who Descended from Heaven with Technological Hair of Spun Gold.”

The polar opposite extreme would be a group of women doxxing and threatening to rape video game developers for games they didn’t like, not a woman voicing her opinions on a youtube channel.

Why the fuck is this on Friday nights?

He VOLUNTARILY PERJURED HIMSELF. This is the dumbest motherfucker in the Universe (just barely).

I remember at university, a bunch of the girls would say that this one professor was “hot”. I didn’t have a class with him for the first year but finally had a class with him my second year. I promptly went back to my friends after my first day of class and told them that their eyes were lying to them. They had been

This is a tough call as I think Justin Timberlake should be muted all the time. Can’t stop that feeling!

No, it’s the super-antibiotics in all our food thats making us resistant. Not the occasional one for an actual illness.