
Just look at Kansas. The repub governor was wildly unpopular, he wrecked the state economy, and put a buttload of people out of work. His own party was even against him both voters and state reps. Shoulda been easy but nope the dems ran a moderate funded by big money who ran on a right of center platform and lost. A

Can’t wait for centrists to keep on pushing away the most engaged slice of their potential electorate and then react with insulted astonishment when somehow they continue hemorrhaging seats across the country.

If I were in school, I would 1000% NOT be scared that a trans woman (with or without a penis) was in the same bathroom or locker room.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

To be fair, you started out by generalizing all liberals as having no sense of humor. That’s not exactly discussing things as adults.

What’s with the “Marcus Rubinstein” statement?

Ah, right it isn’t an official record. Due to health risks associated with this Guinness no longer accepts any records for going without sleep. It has been broken a number of times since, however. The page you link shows an even greater unofficial record. In fact, it was due to Randy Gardner you link that had such

This is my advice to other streamers. If you’re streaming, get a standing desk. Stand and stream, it’s entertaining, you can do some physical stuff too. I often make baseball swings while streaming whenever I get a good kill on xcom or do something good in the game.

It is just such a glaring example of a white man getting chance after chance after chance in a field that is very hard for women and minorities to break into that it’s difficult to ignore.

it’s “possible that introducing female protagonists is somehow an easier, less threatening fix than hiring women directors and writers.”

For anyone in North Carolina the state Democratic Party has created a pipeline project to get new blood into the party and running for office at all levels of government in the state. I signed up because Rep. Szoka, a Republican, ran unopposed in my district.

I feel like the moral of this story is that you don’t want to fuck with Carrie Underwood

Preach on, a lot of people in this country don’t understand how recent the history of U.S. government violence against American Indians really is, or the depraved extents to which it has gone. It didn’t end back in the “wild west days” it went on for many years, still goes on in a thousand ways, and looks to be

I actually joined the party in replying to Morgan. And then, after her final takedown, sent Jo this .gif:

Hell no they haven’t. Most of the republican base, with the exception of internet troll/frog posse, have stuck their heads in the sand. They only popup long enough to cry about people protesting and how it interrupts their Facebook cat videos. Why can’t you just be happy for us, they whine. No. Most of them have moved

If they don’t follow through it gets them on the record. You don’t want to investigate? Great. It’s a hell of a campaign wedge. Anyone who opposes it should have ads running against them, “doesn’t care about Trump’s conflicts of interest.”

Now playing

I have a lot of friends who work in education who are all upset by her (rightfully so), but literally none of them knew who served as Obama’s Secretary of Education for the vast majority of his term.   

Trying to pull from the center and center-right is exactly what got us into this mess.