J.K. Rowling isn’t fucking around.
J.K. Rowling isn’t fucking around.
100% with you on this - send me all the info you want to send at one shot, nothing drives me more insane than having my phone go off a half dozen times to see multiple related thoughts that could’ve been done in one neat, clean paragraph.
Also, the only thing I think of when I see multiple text notifications from the same person is “Holy shit, there’s an emergency”
People get pissed with me for texting a paragraph instead of lots of shorter texts. Like either way it’s the same amount of information, wouldn’t you rather have your phone ring once instead of a dozen times?
You’re right. I didn’t mean to detract from the violence already perpetrated. I am worried about things getting to the point of people being killed. I should have specified.
We told your dumb asses back in Jan, Feb and March that ONLY Hillary Clinton gave Donald Trump a chance to win the white house. ONLY Hillary Clinton. No one else.
Honestly at this point I think you’re a troll, because if you seriously think that Hillary Clinton will ever win another election, you’re nuts. She’s the reason we lost. Despite the media narrative, it wasn’t because Trump is so damn popular. He has the lowest approval ratings for an incoming president in history. We…
Call anyway. If you’re worried about addresses or zips, google the congressman’s website and use a zip from his/her home office.
Not for english no, but you want the japanese clip where this goes down?
The vampire thing even explains why he gets new traveling companions all the time. He keeps them around for sustenance, then feeds once the previous companions are all used up.
I did consider that and I believe that’s largely the intent. But I’m always more interested in what the game communicates than what the writers/designers intended.
Vesperia > Berseria > Abyss > the rest
It’s fucking ridiculous to include people who are FOR what we are marching AGAINST.
I’m “used to a certain lifestyle” will always be my favorite nonsense. As if rich people, by virtue of being rich, are incapable of adapting to any other reality. This goes for exwives and exhusbands too. Poor people, of course, adapt to anything and have no choice. How fragile are these fuckers that they lose all…
Wait for the photos/news coverage on a channel not covering it. NOTHING will sting Trump more than low ratings- it’s all he cares about. And then we can all tweet him about how much higher Obama’s ratings were- ala Trump himself to Schwarzenegger.
or Bernie shirts tbh
Never having seen an episode of 7th Heaven, I can still swear with certitude that Catherine Hicks’ quip about Collins’ coffin in still the best thing about that show ever.
Agent notes: ok so anytime Ariana Grande isn’t in the party, all of the other characters should be asking, “where’s Ariana Grande”