
I fell asleep watching this Monday and so restated it in the background while I read some articles in the morning and it just hit me how bad the acting was on this episode.I like the show but the line readings made me cringe.

Gotta agree, Iron Fist wasn’t a chore to watch. There’s a lot of elements that made it enjoyable, just not the titular character.

I feel like it would have been more fitting to have Julian be the villain. And then have him kill HR.

Oh, he’s done a LOT of work. There’s the deportations, the filling of many, many (ok, maybe a couple dozen) critical government positions, getting that wall built, colluding with Russia, handing out electoral maps, not shaking hands with women, congratulating homicidal dictators, repealing Obamacare, keeping at least

Donald Trump’s tweets from earlier Tuesday in which he insisted that the government needed a “good shutdown”

The actress who played her just seemed to lack actual energy or enthusiasm. A bit vanilla of a person to hang around the Doctor. I didn’t think I’d like Bill, but she has the right energy.

I have complicated feelings about Clara. I loved what I *thought* was going to happen, but Moffat was clearly so besotted with her that he lost his mind and made her (ridiculously) the centre of the damned universe. I really don’t ever want to see her on the show again.

I found her kinda boring from the start, it got a little better with her death, but after that. I hardly remember her being there.

PLEASE! No more Clara. Doctor Who is just starting to get good again.

I really don’t want Clara back and frankly I wish she was already dead instead of traveling through time with Maisie Williams.

Snapper Carr also had a great line about how fake news could lead to a “fascist in the White House”.

First one is charming. Second is derivative. Third is pointless. Supposedly the fourth one holds to that pattern.

It’s Christopher Eccleston in the vault.

I mean... they can defend his larger stance against censorship. That’s fine. He’s welcome to that.

Boy, Lipschultz really picked a stupid hill to die on here.

Right. “We’re not saying whether we did, or did not, have the police escort him off the property, but if you have any questions about that you should ask the police.”

Thank you! This is not the story of a brave guy who was censored. it’s the story of a low level grunt trying to make decisions above his pay grade and getting pissy when he was told to get back in his lane.

A localizer is mad that something got localized? I, ah... got... nothing.

“I wanted to make a statement,” localization specialist Tom Lipschultz wrote in an e-mail. “I don’t think it’s right to make any change, no matter how minor, for the purpose of ‘sanitizing’ a game.”