
I would believe that but it doesn’t explain why the Switch seems underwhelming and half baked. You would think a unified design team would create something more....complete.

It’s a confusing sell. I don’t understand the dual release of Zelda. That seems almost counterproductive. By releasing it for both it’s not driving a Wii U audience to the next console.

I agree absolutely, Nintendo has been releasing overpriced gimmicks for too long but in this instance what’s unique is despite the limitations of docked/undocked the perception of a “mobile console” is going to be strong with the casual market. Since Nintendo seems to choose the casual gamers over the hardcore gamers

The bottom line for them is that they have their audience that is about the size of the Wii U’s install base. These are the people who will buy their systems to play their games, no questions asked. But that’s it. They don’t have much draw beyond that.

You keep saying that she is putting him on blast in a public forum. Unless you are actually the guy that EE is dating then we have no idea who the person is. She did not include a name or pictures or anything that tells us who he is. Have you ever read an advice column? This is pretty normal kind of thing that people

“I wouldn’t want to see virtual reality wasted on a few hardcore gamers because it has such a big opportunity to offer something to everyone” - Resolution Games CEO Tommy Palm calls on developers to make VR games for wider audiences, saying it will be a long time before hardcore crowds get the VR Skyrim-like

Not exactly true, I’ve bought a few games at full price in the last couple of years but I do agree the number of AAA games that really warrant you going out and buying them within in the first couple of months are really low.

That could be true but none of these read that way. They all read as what people think what will happen. It’s possible at least one of these people have been in contact with Trump’s team but we can only guess to that.

I’m no fan of Trump and I, like a lot of people, are scared for the next four years but with that said, these testimonies are kind of silly. I was hoping for people who have been in contact with Trump’s transition team or people who have worked with employees in the White House who have been in contact with Trump’s

What I like about this is that Jesse Watters responds saying that its meant to be “tongue in cheek” and not offensive. Nothing on Fox News is ever tongue in cheek and the average Fox News viewer has no concept of satire and is of course, just amazingly racist.

Dear sweet lord, I wish you were wrong.......but alas I know you are not.

If Trump calls Hillary a bitch during the debates the debate would continue but the way the public would react will be insane. The left leaning people will continue to condemn Trump, the unaffiliated people will condemn Trump but a subset might concede Hillary is a bitch but Trump is worse. Most Republicans will

Sure but the same thing could be said about Nintendo and Microsoft. The Wii and Kinnect come to mind as well as the Wii U’s dumb gamepad. Experimenting is part of process, some catch on but most fail. I have hated all the motion gaming experiments from the last decade but motion gaming isn’t the only experiment. The

There is a lot to your article I disagree with but I’m too lazy to put my two cents in on everything. So I’ll just say that I don’t believe killing Eli ended Half Life. I don’t believe they wrote themselves into a corner and that is why episode 3 or HL3 never happened. They had Marc Laidlaw writing it, Laidlaw is an

I’ve never bought the “fact” that shooters are dumb. Some are just more simplistic than others. Quake and Doom (imo) popularized the genre. Half Life and Half Life 2 showed that shooters could have an amazing story and fun puzzles. Goldeneye was one of the best movie to game translations ever and a solid shooter on

Right there with you. In fact both XII and XIII I could not stand. Played both for way more hours than I care to admit waiting for it to take off or at least have the story grab me and make want to care about the characters and setting but both were so slow and meandering I just couldn’t finish.

So Trump doing an impression of a...forgive the quote but “standard retard” makes it okay? The reporter is handicapped, no matter if Trump was way off base or completely in the ballpark is neither here nor there. You do an impression of a handicapped person while talking or being in the room with a handicapable person

I don’t think its a matter of Telltale having exclusive rights as much as a developer might not want to start in a game for an IP that Telltale is making their game for especially if the game is really good and the new developer’s title is accused of copying or trying to cash in Telltale’s game. Or if Telltale’s game

I get why people might not immediately agree with a little known website that was the only one reporting it at first but damn people take this crap to the limit. I never understand people who can’t wait two more months. Its a game, it will come out eventually....unless its Half Life 3.