
I tried once engaging with someone who wholeheartedly agreed with Trump’s speak his mind thing. When pressed that in the interest diplomacy its not a good idea for a president to just tell other heads of state what he thinks the response was that diplomacy is for diplomats and a president should just get shit done.

That is funny about Marvel and DC in the Netherlands because in the US is that comics have become mainstream. Also I saw a documentary that was made about threes ago now that said the average age of a gamer was 32 years old. So catering to kids and family is fine, I don’t want to make you think I believe games should

There is a joke in here somewhere about a car exploding at the Zippo 200 or something about Comcast/Xfinity customer service.

Just because you can afford to survive multiple Wii-U like generations the question is should you? Relevancy can come back but I feel like for that to happen Nintendo needs to stop pretending their core audience is kids under 12. By opening up and trying to expand their audience (that would come with being more open

Wii had some 3rd party titles but not a lot that wasn’t shovelware. It did have some decent Non-Nintendo games but for a device that ran from 06 to 2012 (technically production stopped in 2013 but the Wii U came out in 2012 so it was done anyway) it was pretty shallow in terms of 3rd party software.

Telltale has some strong stories and games but I do agree with you. Walking Dead and especially Batman would be better served by a full game allowing you to take advantage of the world and characters. Also after the excellent Arkham series (not trying to start anything by the horrible PC port of Knight) going to a

I do wonder if there is further studies are done on the children that are supposedly affected. What are their home lives like? How did they get the “violent” video game the studies are referring to? Also in most of the the studies actual games are not named in the study only say in the report covering the study. While

Boar from the sea in Poland......okay who can come up Polak boar jokes? All the pieces are there.

The funny thing about this to me isn’t that “she” is possibly a parody or hoax or whatever, its that there is plenty of women just like this on my Facebook. Growing up in the south you get used to this kind of shit. “Her” posts are exactly the racist, pro Trump, Christianity touting brain vomit that I’ve almost become

It's a statue.

Blaming Marvel for not approving the game and sinking the whole thing is more than a little harsh. Yeah the grinding mechanic was stupid but I don’t think that was it. In fact if you watch the video that is closer to a footnote than anything else. Major internal strife in the studio, Sony’s ideas on how to make the

A Sonic Adventure-esque game that doesn’t have Sonic dealing with normal humans. Basically some of the lush landscapes from the early part of SA. Set in the Green Hills Zone and some of the classic levels from original Sega series. Bring in Tails and Knuckles but drop Amy and that fat cat thing and all the other

Why does this seem less like a new dish at a nationwide burger chain and more like the dying dreams of a coked up meth addict stuck in a pillow fort?

GabeN said that they look at their IPs as tools. So when they have new tech they look at the tool that is best suited to that tech. So to showcase the things they could with VR they chose Aperture Labs from Portal for The Lab. So....I guess they could do something with Half Life one day but it is disheartening to read

I have a PS4 as well and really do enjoy it when there is something new to play. I’m waiting to see what the specs and price is on Neo but I know I won't upgrade my plasma until it dies.

Well exclusives have been part of console gaming since the early days. Did you want Mario, Sonic, Crash or Master Chief? I didn’t believe VR would be any different. It would be nice for things to be different and developers to just make several games across all platforms but even still this hearkens back to the issues

Oh the sky is the limit if VR is done correctly, it could be used in multiple ways but it has to catch on in gaming before anything else can happen. The reason I say that is because no one in the medical field or anything like that would take it seriously until its out there and readily available.

Oh completely, Half Life 3 would be enough for me to build a kick ass rig and buy the equipment.

Yeah I agree they aren’t going to do an $800 Neo but then the question becomes why? Why after three years without a major spec bump would you do another system that requires different software? I guess we will have to wait for the actual specs and what the new software will look like (two games or one that works for

I would be excited if there was new and different games and it was a new generation but for Sony to support two consoles I feel like it will split the consumer base and the games that will support 4K, will it be all or a portion?