
i never even considered that bit of spoiler! lol.

1st one I clicked was a traffic accident. 2nd one was a man had just robbed a woman at gun point and tried to ride away on a bicycle but ran into the one of the police cars chasing him. 3rd was a man chased cops with a knife, they started with pepper spray, then batons. nothing stopped him so they shot him. I guess I

whose career was harmed by this?

I would say the FoST for all those same reason. I even feel like the FoST interior is better than the other three.

I will never forgive them for killing Carter :(

what are you crazy people even talking about? showing someone google now to impress them? That is just weird. I understand not wanting to do voice commands, I don’t use them. but google now works 100% the same without voice commands so there is no sound needed at all, from you or the phone.

I wish there was a definite way to curate what news and stories google now showed me. I really dislike 90% of the websites it recommends I read from...

The hypocrisy is so strong in this comment that I can only assume he forgot the /s

How was what Amazon did with the Fire at all like what google is doing or anyother carrier. As far as i recall, ALL amazon did was make a phone to sell to use with ATT service. Did i miss something?

its the same amount of bad, and its terrible. my texting is 30 because its unlimited for all phones on the plan. Now if only we could tether :(

is this the same “up to 4g lte speeds” that their 40$ plan has which is speed capped at 8mbps?

where do you get this plan from tmobile?

Except Tmobile does not have a 30$ 5gb plan... at least not that i can see

hah, you would think, but no. ATT still charges 70.00 a month for their 700 minute plan which is what you have to have basically in order to maintain grandfathered unlimited data plans with them. We also have to pay an additional 30 a month for unlimited texting in USA. they still charge for texting canada though.

yes, their faq has answered every question i can come up with so far.

I always pronounce it Pale O Future in my head for some reason :\

Yeah! Im so glad all the major android manufacturers are still using replaceable batteries. Haha silly iFruits.

fair enough, (sorry about the crazy late reply, i only log in occasionally when something makes me smile or laugh enough to warrant the extra work!)

haha that was funny, screw that guy for thinking his snarkiness is better than your aw3som3n3ss!!!

im not usually one to call others out, but I got a giggle out of you calling bread "baked dough"