
I think they’re called “Gawker Media Group contributors” now.

Group of old white men give Blackmon a butt load of money to stroke massive dongs while they watch.

The thing is, this was working for a while. From Dec-early Feb they looked like an offensive juggernaut at times, until Roberson went down and it thoroughly blew their chemistry. Brewer’s been WAY better than expected, but George fell off a cliff in Feb/March and Melo started regressing again.

This is the equivalent of staring off the game with an onside kick, pulling your started after one incomplete pass, going for it on 4th and 30 on your own 5, and then bringing in your special trainer to play QB. This isn’t unconventional. This is bad.

“Wait, you can run the bullpen into the ground, too? I’ve wasted my life.”

“Not in our cit... I mean net!!!”

Why do you hate joy and fun and puppies?

With an extremely shameless Bruins retcon.

The only thing that can spoil this is if Mark Wahlberg somehow winds up playing him in the movie.

he gave a performance that will go down in the quickbooks.

“David we love the script but we just want to change the ending. Let’s have the police chase Zodiac through the streets of San Francisco ending with a standoff on the Golden Gate Bridge. One of the officers yells, “What’s my sign, bitch?” and shoots Zodiac in the shoulder, pushing him off the bridge into the water.

Ted Cruz whistles, walks away slowly

I’ve always thought A.I. is by far the most underrated Spielberg movie.

Welllllll... let’s go with underpaid amateurs.

This might be the strongest take I’ve ever heard. My computer screen turned into a tanning booth while reading it.

Which is why its so great. It feels like a comic book. Starts in media res in an event that you could imagine was part of another comic book you didn’t buy or follow. It quickly wraps that up. Then it checks in with the back story that was hanging from the last comic arc(IE movie). It quickly wraps that up to(You can

We’ve been at peak Goldblum for the last 25 years or so. He’s a national treasure.

Batman V Superman is plenty idiosyncratic and weird. We are talking about about a movie with 4 dream sequences.

Peak Goldblum

Under what circumstances would a network spite millions of adoring fans who buy merchandise? Because some act like a-holes online? They love that. Good or bad so long as it can trend on Twitter, generate clicks and ad buys, they could care less if some McDonald’s employees had a rough day one day. I guarantee you