
“Asian culture is healthy and fine”

Oh white people, telling non-white people everything is fine in their own fantasy terms. Hello, is that you Hitler?

That’s because jezebel is made up of mostly white pretentious women, who rage against any concept of ‘men’ and empower eachother when their white saviours are under attack.

A white person trying to “learn” what is all the fuss about not casting a tibetian, so she runs off to a Korean American. Pretty sure there’s more than one country in Asia!

What do you expect, 99.9999999999% of jezebel readers are pretentious white women who likely never understand a PoC prospective. They see Tilda as some classy white women (love the fact white people relate their own as ‘classy’ and non-whites the opposite) No one has brought up Tilda signed the Roman Polanski

FYI Tilda signed the Roman Polanski petition, that shows your idiocy for supporting this white trash.