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    Watch the video. The 1/8th isn’t the only issue... They chose the slowest Porsche (manual 911T) and then nerfed it further with possibly a more incompetent manual driver than me (the video notes 2 independent magazines both got significantly faster times out of the same car). 

    The J30 is exactly what comes to mind when I see the Ioniq6

    The AI talk is probably just another cynical ploy to draw in gullible investors... Though Musk himself is a pretty good example of artificial intelligence... 

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    Anyone remember the MadTV Kenny Rogers sketch?

    This will come in really handy when you find a G-spot to park in... 

    1st gear: Wouldn’t be surprising if the Cybertruck sees a reduction later, as more real-world figures come out (or there are fewer embarrassing videos of them getting stuck making the rounds). 

    This. The AI won't say "No" right? 

    Also very on-brand for Elon "Putin my money where my mouth is" Musk... 

    Re: #1, BYD is bigger now. 

    I think that happened already, but a snowy incline avenged the fallen Christmas tree. 

    This is fair for the car washing, but not so much the “fined for propping his hood up” and “fined for having expired plates (from Elizabeth’s comment)" examples. 

    My God, THIS is the land of the Free?

    Put it in "H"! 

    That's the beauty of it - it's sooooo on brand! 

    We’ll call it the “SS Elon” - it might also (d)evolve into a submarine, or as Elon likes to call it, a U-boat! 

    Maybe he'll be able to fix the DCU like he fixed Twitter... 

    I'd Focke-Wulf them down, I would! 

    Which generally means “whatever I need to justify using force on someone”

    I’m disinclined to believe police when they claim their victims were resisting now.

    Yup. Gun control is a pretty good analogy for this.