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    Maybe he'll be able to fix the DCU like he fixed Twitter... 

    I'd Focke-Wulf them down, I would! 

    Which generally means “whatever I need to justify using force on someone”

    I’m disinclined to believe police when they claim their victims were resisting now.

    Yup. Gun control is a pretty good analogy for this.

    I’ve always had a passion for history, but I must say this is the first time I’ve heard of the Stasi’s use of drunk-driving technology, or Kim Il-Sung’s teetotalism.

    Agreed - this won't be solved by a single "silver bullet", but rather different authorities acting within their mandates in the same directions. It'll always be a cat-and-mouse game between the authorities and those who seek to break the law. 

    That’s not really a solid argument for the status quo. 

    Heartily-agreed: driving is a privilege and not a right. 

    I don’t drink either - this isn’t about protecting others from you or I - this is more for those idiots who choose to drink and drive (and the people and families who otherwise would have become their victims). 

    This is why I am not against some form of sobriety test technology in cars.... Clearly our current regulations and enforcement regimes aren’t doing the job.

    Can we call it the Probe? 

    Unpopular opinion: no one says you can’t stay in 1st gear in town.

    I was thinking that an NA model would be great for an engine swap, but $20k is too much for a project car, and the 5SFE just doesn’t do enough to warrant that price.

    In the future, tires are polygons

    Yeah - I mean, I’m all for people who have a legitimate reason for driving these behemoth, but cumausing more environmental harm and danger to fellow road users because “I need a mental penile enhancement” just doesn’t cut it.

    My takeaway from your comment was that we should be doing away with pickup trucks for everyone who can’t demonstrate a need for it (eg a business registration that shows you need a truck).

    Poor Musk got so tired of losing arguments online, he's now designing cars to win them IRL

    TBF a lot of them were trash the day the left the factory... 

    Some people are angry because non-unionized workers don't have the ability to stand against management, but instead of directing their anger constructively, they direct it at their fellow workers in some misguided belief that we should all get shafted equally.