Concerned Citizen

This is factually incorrect. There was a pile on of Dems demanding he resign INSTEAD of doing an investigation. He regrets giving in to that pressure now but Schumer made it clear they didn’t want to wait for an investigation.

You tossed out your whole argument with that last line. It slams the door it seemed like you (might) have been trying to open.

So well put, SadieMae

Whoa. She’s pointing out that not everyone know Trump supporters and live in Trump leaning places. I was saddened by how many white women voted for him, which make me think “brainwashed suburban and rural people”. But I was surprised by how many latinos voted for him too. Makes no sense to me.

I don’t know if that’s fair. Gerrymandering and polling station shenanigans made voting lines hours long in areas predominantly serving POC. Another GOP long game for stealing this election. 

Is your city D.C.? Because me and a bunch of white women and 8 black women and men bused together to getto the march from Chicago.

Your reply is pure propaganda. Aka, crap.

Perfect reply

More white people than minority people are on welfare, dude.