Non-medical, dictated Trumpish statements, one suspects . . .
Non-medical, dictated Trumpish statements, one suspects . . .
I’m willing to cut the doctor some slack. Military doctor, who likely got pummeled with that whole “commander-in-chief” thing.
Caught that in the Baker movie. Apparently, the publishers consider drummers to be arrangers, not composers. Levon Helm got screwed in a similar fashion.
Linky please? Teh google fails me...
Hell, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had a “Department for Mental Retardation” well into the 1990s. I used to audit them in another life.
IANAL, but my guess is that he pleaded down from OUI? Likely he refused the breathalyzer and had some slim but non-zero probability of beating an OUI rap.
Ding ding. Trump and Pence have outlived their usefulness after this tax bill becomes law. With a Ryan presidency and Republican congressional majority, the country will basically belong to the Koch bros. and their repulsive ilk.
3M - TA3
“No! I never!”
Seconded. O’Keefe’s rat-face rates high on the Shkreli-Cruz scale of punchability.
“Backpage” is an international dot-com. It’s got nothing to do with the alt-weekly mentioned in the story, or any alt-weekly for that matter.
Aren’t sausage fests also verboten in Saudi Arabia?
I voted for her in ‘92 when I was an undergrad, had no idea of her story or her politics. She was the simply the only candidate who came to my Dorchester neighborhood’s decrepit little trailer of a polling spot, set up flags and stickers 100' feet from the entrance (to comply with the law), and personally asked for my…
Condit was a “D,” not an “R.”
At 55, one is too olde to get the reference. Webster was just the new Gary Coleman, who was the new Rodney Allen Rippy.
“If I have to hear about ANY of my coworkers’ ketones *and smell their stinking breath* ONE MORE FUCKING TIME.....”
I hear “surging” and I’m taken back to the 2012 Iowa Republican caucus and the infamous headline “Santorum Surges from Behind,” which is oddly appropriate on this thread.