DystopianHellscape(causeFuckEverything was already taken)

There’s no one I love more than my mother but I’ll never forget the cost benefit analysis that made her decide not to take me to the hospital with a 104 degree temp. I laid in bed that night and thought, this is it, you either get better or you don’t. I obviously got better but always wonder, what if I didn’t?

Picketing Spencer’s building isn’t picketing her tenants but they’re bound to suffer collateral damage and I honestly dgaf. If I’m (heaven forbid) in a retail district in Whitefish and have a choice between spending money with one of Spencer’s tenants or spending money pretty much anywhere else, elsewhere wins every

Not going to try to sell anyone on This is Us, but seriously, love This is Us. Probably because I’m black and from Pittsburgh and everything they’ve written about a white couple adopting a black kid in that city is pitch perfect. Also, Jack’s an amazing father and I like to imagine he was my dad (which makes me think

I feel slightly safer knowing this, thank you.

You think? I always thought Em beefing with a pop singer tarnished his shine more than hers.

I vote Trump only because he’s being rewarded for his reckless bullshit and therefore has no reason to even consider controlling his impulses. Anthony Weiner OTOH is losing his family and may have to register as a sex offender when this is all said and done. Should be enough to stifle the urge to Snapchat somebody

I read Atlas Shrugged up to the point when I realized the overall message wasn’t satire.

What TF type of sadist mixes hummus and ricotta?

There has never been a time when this didn’t tickle and uplift me.

Scrolled past the title, didn’t even read the story yet, and now have the first 11 chords stuck in my head. It’s seriously not Christmas until I hear this song, I can’t imagine it not being embedded in other peoples’ souls as deeply as it is in mine.