
golly, you’re dumb

Kinda like how Michael Schumacher was completely livid at Coulthard when Schumacher hit Coulthard from behind.  In the Beyond The Grid podcast, Coulthard talks at length about this.  I think he said it was Ecclestone that got them both in a room together to discuss it and Schumacher refused to accept any

Norris was called to the stewards, but wasn’t actually given a penalty.

The author worded that very poorly.  Talking about former employees of the team being kneecapped and then specifically mentioning two of them makes me think that the kneecapping happened to them.  But silly me for expecting anything this website publishes to be written well.

How was Vettel kneecapped? Dude won 4 consecutive world championships with them.

Massi isn’t a Race Steward.  He has no say in post-incident penalties.

You know why Max was able to brake later than Lewis?  Because Max had the racing line.  

Max had the racing line, pure and simple. Lewis had plenty of room on the inside at the point of contact and still missed the apex by about a car’s width.  This was absolutely avoidable.

If Jay Leno wins it, I volunteer to help him drive it back to LA from Indy.

Lewis didn’t have a third stop.

A mid-race call for a third pit stop put Hamilton in position to not only close the gap on his competitor but to easily build another one once he secured the lead.”

Forgot daughter-in-law.

Hamilton inherited the lead of the race when Perez finally had to pit on lap 51.”

Sure would have been great if the author had mentioned those details.  But, alas, here we are at jalop nik dot com.

It’s always been fairly obvious that F1 isn’t a race series for the Average Joe; it caters to the elite, and it makes sense that its CEO would rake in money, even during a season where F1 didn’t host races.”

Golly, you’re dumb.

When were Ricciardo and Sainz teammates?

A family size box of Cheez-Its and a 12 pack of Clif Bars has gotten me through several cross country road trips.  And a few sugar free Red Bulls, diet sodas, and Powerade Zeros mixed in for good measure.

I’ll put the over/under for red flags at 1.5.

“embedded F1 video”