Dheep' P

Danny - Boy is he dumb. A petulant little child half the time. Geez

This is an amusing Forum. It almost emulates "Real Life" - a bunch of people sitting around discussing other's lives & telling them how to live it. Instead of going about their own business.
It's almost as if Folks here think these Characters are real.

"but the yuppie white person who wants to do right and ultimately accepts…….." - Enough already. This is funny but what BS.
As if your ethnic person of any persuasion does not accept or enjoy the luxuries of life when presented with them. "Oh no, I'm a racial "Type". I don't want success. Count me out". What a

Yes indeed. VERY important facts that just need correcting. Mandaliet need's to know know just how far off base he is. And you Willi, & your righteous sword of superior knowledge of all things mundane is just what we need.
Its a slippery slope we all slide down & it is comforting to know that online at least -