
Forget the slideshows, does anyone remember when this site used to do original reporting? This is reporting on someone else’s reporting, as is the OEM tire story, which is based on a video and was already reported on by The Drive, and probably touched on by the other automotive blogs that all serve the same audience

“Kinja Unslideshow” on TamperMonkey.

I’m so close to leaving this site, the slideshows are unbearable.

I had to do a double check, at first I thought this was an article about the Boyz as that photo made me think that was The Deep...

I feel like this was explicitly stated a few times in the lore leading up to the area, that a torch is fine but deeper into the area even that won’t cut it. Daylight spell does wonders in this area, as does the Blood of Lathander. Having that mace equipped on someone protects them without tying up a hand for a torch.

im surprised MTG hasnt sicced the Pinkertons to help out

“Black Boys on Mopeds” was (and still is) such a powerful song, and so unlike anything that a “pop star” might put out at that time.  Hope she finds peace in the next life.

She was one hell of a artist. Defiant and strong and unabashedly human. She was lambasted for years after the SNL shit (I remember Joe Pesci threatening her the next show and getting applause for it) and she never caved. And the end, she was right all along and no one apologized for making her a pariah.

You weren’t a “troubled soul,” Sinead. Your soul RIGHTFULLY responded to the shit you were surrounded by and lived through. RIP.

This one really hurts. I knew Sinéad very very briefly during secondary school (she was a few years ahead of me). I remember being in awe of her and a bit afraid of her and amazed at her talent all at the same time. Even then, we all knew she had ‘something’. Go back and listen to Lion & the Cobra; when you do,

Worth noting that Twitter is counting impressions as views, so every time it puts the Tweet containing the video on a screen, they’re counting it as a “view” even if the person scrolled right past.

already gone viral.”

The product page is flagged by Fakespot as “Highly Suspicious” and “F” grade and “High Deception.” 262 reviews since April 3, 2023 is a red flag. I trust in The Inventory when products like these are featured.

The product page is flagged by Fakespot as “Highly Suspicious” and “F” grade and “High Deception.” 262 reviews since

You missed the Crafter’s use: dryer lint makes GREAT stuffing for pillows and “plushies.”

This isn’t even a story nor does it reflect badly on Paul, who is a dipshit.  He rehomed it properly to the horse ranch.  It was the OWNERS of the horse ranch that abandoned the pig.  Paul had nothing to do with the animal after dropping it off at the first ranch.

Can we also get rid of the #GirlDad shit as well?

A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.

Navigating gaming culture to find like-minded people with the same interest is such a minefield. Even when you think you’ve found the exceptions and you’re just casually chatting about Pokemon or Katamari or some other game that doesn’t seem like it should appeal to shitty people, someone will suddenly drop, “I

Really what they mean is:

Gamers are absolute trash bags