
You know, I went and looked it up!

Well, I appreciate your kindness in providing some levity! The Malheur thing has got me down, and I’m usually quite the Pollyanna!

The moderator really should have drawn out that silence for the full 30 seconds Senator Kirk was allowed. Moving on after nine was fucking merciful.

So, just so we are clear here is a quick summary of Tammy Duckworth’s life:

I feel like Obama is picking off these guys one-by-one like ‘Carrie’ at the end of the movie.

IIRC, he was also the dude who was asking why NYC was getting federal dollars after 9-11 when it really was a state concern and, besides, it’s not as if it was a chemical warfare attack!

I’m just glad she learned this lesson for a disease like rotavirus instead of something more dangerous or more likely to have long term effects!

Well it’s a shame it took her whole family getting sick but it’s refreshing to hear an anti-vaxxer say “I was wrong, I was batshit, I’ve since researched and have changed my mind”.

Yes. How “strange” that a black man, when confronted by a cop, would put his hands in the air. It couldn’t possibly be that he wanted to preemptively signal that he was unarmed, given that so many other black person-cop interactions turn deadly without provocation.

Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.

You could have applied to another school

Ugh, unless she gets some sort of pundit gig for criticizing affirmative action. She’s got sort of a nasty Ann Coulter look in her eyes.

Wow. So she wasn’t even arguing for a meritocratic process in the first place. In addition to assigning herself the public roll of entitled dim-wit and poster child for white mediocrity and fragility, she also illustrates the acute dangers of parents blowing smoke up their snowflakes’ buttholes.

you know, it really isn’t nice to speak ill of the dead...

Kris telling Kim, “You were married for 72 days, that was like normal!” is the best thing I have heard all week.

“Gorilla warfare” gets me every time.