
But . . . that’s literally the entire premise.

aside from the first season-ish, this show has been simply some of the best television, let alone genre television, let alone star wars content that’s been made. for me CW, mando, TLJ and R1 show how good star wars can be when you let actual auteurs near it, instead of the confusion of Lucas’ prequels and the pablum

Anyone else feel an immense amount of pride in Ahsoka after watching these episodes? She is the embodiment of what the Jedi should be.

I like this one. You almost can’t tell what’s in the bags.

You know what gets me? Everyone always talks about Steve & Peggy, everything Steve lost, how hard it must be for Steve to adjust to so much change. What about Bucky? Did Bucky have someone special? We don’t know. Bucky had a family that cared for him. In fact they cared for his best friend too! And Bucky didn’t simply

Oh good, another opportunity to be slightly disappointed after viewing. At least I’ll be in my own home.

Yes? I mean if the writing is good then I’m not sure why that matters. I could care less how BIG the stakes are as long as they’re meaningful enough to make me invested in the characters success. 

The movies losing their minds over the oncoming apocalypse and forgetting to give anyone anything interesting to do in favor of just running around screaming about doomsday was anathema to everything I enjoyed about the early MCU, so I am more than OK with us swinging hard in the complete opposite direction.

I am.  Especially for the new Doctor Strange and WandaVision (despite the terrible title).

Just more BS they made up on the way. Haahaaha!!

Speaking broad terms here...

Most casual mobile games like word, trivia, and match-3 are actually way, way up, because the players of those games don’t play console or PC in general.

Cosmic Book News, I think, was the site that broke the big story last summer that Captain Marvel 2 was in jeopardy, because Marvel wanted to put Peter Parker in it as Carol’s “love interest” to make her more sympathetic to fans, but now that Marvel’s access to the character was in dispute the future of not one but two

I’m okay with the Green Arrow and the Canaries not being picked up. With the current cast I think it does actually have really great potential and ideas to dig into going forward, but with the way it started and the intent of keeping Katherine McNamara and gang angry/pissed all the time just doesn’t work for me at

Deadline notes the new deal will allow LEGO to co-opt characters from the Universal film library.”

Damn, this is my first AC, these updates—minus Bunny Day—have me so hyped. I hope that the cafe shop ends up being real, whatever it is.

Watch it

Well I guess now all I have left to read around here is the root and the occasional io9 article, fuck the herb man, just fuck him.

Now that pretty much the entire game industry is delayed your work here is done.

Kids? No. CBS’ target demographic of NCIS and Mom viewers on the other hand, maybe.

Aw, you should totally give the books a read. They are so densely, purposefully strange.