
Democrats gain power and Republicans hysterically shout “buy guy’s and bullets before they get taken away!”

Signing this bill is a death sentence for Republicans.

They had 8 fucking years to get something together, and they created a 100 page document that looks like some high schooler wrote the night before their book report was due. Now they are standing in front of the class trying to persuade us they really read the

A thirteen episode season, and io9 writes off Iron Fist after six! God fucking forbid Buffy came out today. It would have never gotten a chance, from the judgemental millenials!

Does anyone in the White House have their shit together?

I think that Trump’s actions warrant Congressional censure.

“Spicer apologizes to Britain.”

This gif.... I love this gif.... See why can’t we just drop tablets with preinstalled gifs like this all over North Korea? I’ll personally donate a tablet to the cause!

Amazing photograph.

I know; he’s so low-energy. Sad!

I honestly think Herr Fünfundvierzig is a lot worse that Kim Jung Unce Unce Unce. His fatness can only terrorize the immediate area around Best Korea. Herr Drumpenfuehrer can take out half of the world.

Don’t attribute intent where general stupidity will suffice.

Tillerson has said that the current sanctions against North Korea aren’t working as a deterrent against the country developing nuclear weapons and that a new approach is needed.

How does this man still have a job?

Japan... sigh...

Ugh, don’t make me defend Bannon. Nowhere does it say we would use nukes. Not ruling out the use of force is a diplomatic expression. Pretty sure multiple Presidents said it about Iran, too.

Now playing

If you give it five stars, you’re supporting a joke thief.

you know what would be a refreshing change of pace? a transformers movie focusing on the transformers.

So the lesson is to send in 1000 drones, make the enemy use all their missiles, then send in the bombers.

If things go badly between those two, the world is in a jam.