
Irrelevant. Anything offered would be of help, but by the rationale of Tsunami, because he didn’t get shit, no one should. It is petty and selfish and does little to help the burden on those seeking higher education.

That is another point on another topic that doesn’t really matter to this specific discussion. Nor is this doing anything “on the backs of the poor”... unless you mean creating a system that encourages healthy by not taxpayer dollars be used on junk food. Then sure.

Same here. Backed early and the update emails are blowing up my inbox. LOBSTER JUST GOT UNLOCKED.

I believe so. Mantic isn’t a nobody in the wargaming realm, so I can’t imagine they didn’t get the rights already.

Usually, sure. But this is Mantic, who have a solid enough track record.

Well we know who didn’t get an invite, amirite?

Anyone not on the extreme left gets branded that, really. This place is a strange kind of echo chamber. Yet, makes for good reading during work.

They will call you a filthy centrist.

Wow, what petty motivation. Because you had to pay, others should as well - no matter what the long-term impact is. Brilliant.

That gif is fucking horrifying.

Well, I was going to pass on this because it seemed weird, but a B? Hell, might as well try it. Break out of my normal choices of cold brew or a dirty chai.

We’d never get that close to them. They learned from the French Revolution and the plutocrats of the 21st century are surrounded by the police, military and private security.

And Dems are fucked because if they split and make a Progressive Party and leave the Centrists behind as their own party, they are never going to win against the GOP (a party that somehow stays united despite being pretty fucked as well). Shame we can’t have a better, more democratic system of governance that allows

You may soon have to travel a whole two towns over to get your footlong fix.

It is almost like those people are fucking idiots or something.

Organized labor is the answer to organized greed.

Yes, it is. Especially if it is unnecessary and, as this feels, punitive. The GOP hates the poors and seems to really love making their lives harder.

Given that the plutocrats control our entire government... hm. I think they’d find a way. But I am a bit of a pessimist.

...which can be a poor person’s food budget for the month, dummy. Might not sound like a lot to you, but to someone that is a burdensome amount.

lol revolution? That’s cute. All it would be is a fucking massacre. This plutocracy isn’t going to be overthrown, it is going to have to fail systematically to go away.