lol really? Chicago isn’t a country with enforced borders. It is still a US city and in the US, we have 100+ guns per person. Getting a gun even in a city with strict gun laws is easy. Nice try though.
lol really? Chicago isn’t a country with enforced borders. It is still a US city and in the US, we have 100+ guns per person. Getting a gun even in a city with strict gun laws is easy. Nice try though.
I wasn’t. I was saying that mental illness ups the likelihood of being shot. Not sure why that is difficult to grasp.
Side-eye all you want, my point was that being mentally ill raises the chance an awful lot of getting shot.
They have shot other mentally ill people of other races. That isn’t alternate reality, it is reality. The police resort to lethal force way, way too often.
I’d take a Cook Out Big Double Cheddar Style over pretty much any fast food burger out there. BK in my area is ...moist. But not in a good way. Their burgers are almost soggy and I never can figure out why. I never have that issue elsewhere. The Wendy’s by me is decent, but its too clean and proper - I prefer my burgs…
That is because we have three times the amount of guns per citizen. Ease of access is an issue.
It isn’t like they don’t shoot the mentally ill regardless of race, so it was still like a 50/50 chance.
It isn’t the “only thing that would be truly effective”. Having strict gun laws works too. VERY strict. Like Japan.
All his British shows are great. It really is just a few of his American incarnations that he goes apeshit and its entirely for ratings (sadly). I’ve been watching him since UK Kitchen Nightmares aired on BBCA and find it sad that this negative persona has become what he is known for.
Kleptocracy in action.
To be fair, I’d take Ron Paul over Trump any day and twice on Sunday. Then again, that isn’t saying much, is it?
If we even can unfuck this mess.
Is there not a candidate available who isn’t a septuagenarian? I mean for fuck’s sake, can the Boomers not just hang it up already?
Goddamn that made my day.
Right-to-Work and At-Will. The double-whammy.
Also, anyone who takes some stills of this and puts the Jojo/Roundabout meme shit on it is a goddamn national treasure. I would but... at work. :/
What a time to be alive!
Those are the states where workers get the shittiest end of the stick, so it does make some sense. Even if those states (and their voters) vote against their labor interests endlessly.
Uh-huh. Can’t be at all a jaded online dater who maybe was misled and wound up getting ghosted after buying someone dinner. As an online dater who has had that happen more than a few times, I get the frustration that would lead to a shitty joke text like this. It can be immensely frustrating, especially if you feel…
Ghosting is reasonable in very few situations - notably for truly creepy and/or potentially unstable dudes. That being said, ghosting will prompt a lot of shittier reactions than just texting “Not feeling it, sorry”.