
This was a joke. You get that right?

So you read that ghosting advice article too? :)

Not remotely the “worst way”. This is a mediocre joke by a dude who likely felt misled or just has a solid petty streak. Either way, best policy is always to split the check. Chivalry is just fancy misogyny.

Fuck that. I’m not a free meal option to then later be summarily ghosted. I always split, because romance isn’t determined by who pays, but by compatibility.

Good take.

Yes, his joke was petty. But ghosting is rude and/or immature.

Does no one see this?

...it was probably just a snark text. It isn’t like he can actually send it to collections. As a guy in the dating pool, sometimes you try to be a “gentleman” and pay... then get ghosted and maybe realize your number in her phone is labelled “Free Dinner”. It isn’t a good feeling, so he was probably just expressing

See, as a NC voter, I just can’t behind this. Not without an ironclad guarantee I will die in the ensuing ash fall, since I won’t enjoy the superheated gases vaporizing me.

You know, I need to see more concrete evidence that SuperVolcano will absolutely end all life on earth. I am not convinced... but as a voter in the dead center when it comes to end-of-world politics, I am sure I can be swayed.

This looks like a still shot from a Wes Anderson movie!

Right? I love that they attack the media... of which they are and happen to be one of the most watched and are now intimately connected to the government. They are a parody of their own projections.

#giantmeteor2018 ?


That is absolutely not what was being said (by me at least). The program would work like WIC, with strict limitations on what people can purchase because it is government assistance to allow them to eat, not so they can chow down on junk food. If they want that shit, they can buy it with their own non-taxpayer money

You will cut me loose? How cute. You had nothing from the start. Poor fella.

Uh-huh. See, I got to learn to not feed the trolls here.

Hun, I only post at work. I wouldn’t waste my personal time on trash like you.