
I mean... if we are going to kinda half-ass it with the pretty toothless ACA, why not go full-ass and do single-payer? As long the medical industry isn’t lining its pockets at the expense of Americans, I am finding it hard to object anymore. Mostly because we pay so much more, get so much less, and the endless

It is accessible enough for the vast majority of people. Using that an excuse is dogshit. Healthy food is available at just about any area grocery store. Plenty of junk food people buy could be disallowed without hurting their ability to eat. Or do you think people subsist on fucking cookies and soda?

God damn.

Agreed 100%. This hopefully won’t be collectible like X-Wing.

Just one? I am jealous. The owner of my company had a 6" wide Trump banner out front and just about everyone here voted for the fucker. Makes work conversations... delicate. And hell, I am not even a Democrat.

A probably. B less likely. C and D for sure.

Make poor people worse off? Fucking how? By not having gov’t subsidized Pepsi and Chips Ahoy? Fuck your disingenuous bullshit. Truly caring about their health would be empathy - wanting to defend their right to eat shitty food is not.

This “party” or whatever just screams Neocons in new clothes. Hard pass.

Love it.

I was just looking at their platform over on Wikipedia - a mix of boredom and curiosity.

...is this satire? I can’t tell.

Well shit, at least there is that.

Second class citizens because they can’t buy junk food with government assistance? Please, fuck right off with that logic. You are defending a position that leads directly to the health crisis among the poor based on bad eating habits. Preventable shit that could be curbed if they were buying better food options.

As a taxpayer and voter, yes I do. And that I am advocating healthier options for the general health and well-being of people already prone to health problems, it is shocking how many here are quick to defend poor people eating fucking garbage food. Hilarious.

Well that is a stupid fucking argument of two extremely unrelated concepts. And there is already a limit on assistance in that it can’t buy alcohol. Why not cut out most junk food too? This seems like common sense.

Sometimes it is the small changes that can help. The bigger issues are there and deserve way more time devoted to solving. This is small stuff, but could have much larger positive health impacts. Doesn’t hurt to float ideas.

Enjoyable? Way too subjective bud. I enjoy peanut butter. That is a healthy option (generally).

Who said they could only buy fresh greens and fish? Jesus, you are just an idiot when it comes to eating healthy, aren’t you? This is more about keeping them away from junk food and steering them to better options. Oatmeal is not that expensive. Lentils are not that expensive. Canned beans are not that expensive. All

Who said that shit at all? Fucking drama queen desperate to make your bullshit point? Limiting the amount of and type of junk food they can get to encourage them to eat better food is hardly “giving them less money”.

Yeah man, those fuckers lay down some nasty roundhouse kicks.