Yes, I am awful for wanting poor people to eat better so they don’t go into an early grave. I am just the worst.
Yes, I am awful for wanting poor people to eat better so they don’t go into an early grave. I am just the worst.
When I qualified but absolutely refused (pride issues), I did still manage to have a crock pot. They are not that expensive for the amount of time and effort they save.
Did I say they shouldn’t make a “living wage”? Don’t make assumptions. Though that isn’t what is being discussed, but nice distraction. The reality is that even with time being precious, cooking is viable. You are excusing people from the very basic aspects of living just because they are poor and I am not willing to…
Skimmed that. You are making big ol’ assumptions about my positions outside of this and then off on tangents that I just don’t care to read. No doubt we just disagree or something. Don’t really care anymore.
lol classist. Hun, what are you even talking about? At no point did I say they were lazy - quite the opposite. Stop making assumptions.
Well that is a willfully deceptive way to state it. There are other options that exist that are healthy and affordable.
Christ, you are so upset. It is adorable. Do you spaz the fuck out on everyone who dares disagree with you or have a different opinion normally? Might want to go seek help, bud.
No way. I am hourly and this is the best time waster for me right now.
Look down on? Exactly where was I doing that? I have the utmost respect for the poor people in this country. Having been one and raised one - I know how much work it takes to be poor. That I actually want to see those in poverty eat better just flew right over your head, didn’t it? That it would lead to an improvement…
So you are trying to be witty, but fail to realize we actually have speed limits for that exact reason. Fucking dummy.
I live in rural NC, but thankfully near enough Ft Bragg that shit has been built up over the last decade or so.
Wow, you that fucking butthurt that you got to bitch about me to someone else? Hilarious.
Citations on that “millions” figure? And it isn’t only about fruits and vegetables, but nice narrowing of what quality food can be to suit your argument.
lol wut? I have been a proponent of food assistance being used for healthy food options for years. And who gives a shit who he his if his idea is good... and at least partially, this isn’t wrong and/or bad. Poor people would benefit greatly from eating better and enabling them to buy shit food lets them easily avoid…
Exactly that. Or are you unfamiliar with an echo chamber?
Ok. So you have a shitty circumstance, but food deserts - while a problem - aren’t nearly prevalent enough to be the end-all determining factor on this. Not when the medical benefits likely make a huge difference in improving quality of life for people.
Trailer yes. Thankfully it wasn’t that far out in the sticks. Rural Florida though, so ...yeah. It had its own kind of “charm”. Then again, since I was a kid I couldn’t tell you the shopping scenario.
And I wish that was less common. That is an instance where the community needs to band together to do for itself. Coordinate food runs on social media, organize to improve the transit, etc. Doesn’t mean we should ignore that people buying junk food and its impact on them.
I agree. I did a lot of beans and rice back when I was living off shit wages. I would get cheap meat just to keep it interesting when it was orange tagged at Food Lion. You do what you got to do.
Actually yes, as I have discussed already with other posters.