
Por que no los dos?

What the fuck are you on about? All of that in the first paragraph is obviously legitimate issues. They don’t really factor into this topic though.

It is mostly because this is a short-sighted echo chamber of people that clearly don’t want to see the issue outside of their own preconceived notions of poverty. Fucking pathetic.

Oh fuck you for that stupidity. No one said fresh kale and shit. How old are you? Cooking for yourself and eating well are not the same as eating fancy, trendy foods.

So mindblowing. You would think a small, efficient store would pop up and just kill it. How is there not a chain that basically does only that even? Seems like an untapped market.

“So tell us child of poverty, how many stores with not only reasonably priced fruits and vegetables but of decent quality exist in poor neighborhoods?”

Faulty logic? Hun, just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean it is faulty. And it is “allowing”, because it is a gov’t subsidy. We the people provide it and watching them scarf junk food is galling. Especially when they then develop awful health conditions because of it. In that, we are the failures as citizens for

Yes, because they can’t buy their own meat? Because somehow vegetarianism is bad? Fuck off, dummy. You are missing the point.

Not disagreeing with you on that really. Though I think it merits discussion.

No, I am not with him on that. But vegetarianism is entirely doable and very healthy. Beats the piss out of eating junk food, when it comes to long-term health benefits. But definitely for a program like this it seems impractical. Affordable proteins would be fundamental.

Hey fuck head, I don’t use gov’t assistance to buy McDonalds. No one should. Period.

See, that fucking sucks. How the hell does that happen!? You would think at least one major company would see that opportunity and swoop in. Especially Walmart with even just an Express.

It’s possible for him to be correct and still be an asshole.

If I am getting taxpayer subsidized food money - yeah, I would survive that “indignity” (lol, such a stupid take). Why? Because it is money being given for me to have food to eat, not junk food and snacks to indulge on. If that mom wants to buy cookies, she can. My mom did when she was working two jobs and raising me

That is a bullshit take. Eating healthy is affordable with wise shopping decisions. You aren’t eating fancy shit - no one is saying they should be dining on arugula salads and salmon. But affordable frozen brocoli and some cheap chicken thighs aren’t that hard to muster. Poor people eat healthier than poor Americans

I have an Aldi less than a mile from me. And a Walmart a few miles from that. Not particularly difficult to shop smart for good food nowadays, just got to resist the junk food temptation. And it isn’t just about fruit and veg, it is about good proteins - affordable cuts of meat, canned beans, lentils, etc.

I have, thanks. Grew up dirt poor and stayed poor until my 30s. I used to cook cheap cuts of meat, canned beans and veggies to make absolute most of my money. It was not easy, but it was healthier than eating junk food and getting diabetes or other medical complications.

I agree with you there, though the headline is more what I was going off. That being said, beans are an excellent source of fiber and protein that would work well in place of meat (and have for poorer folks for generations). Vegetarianism would beat eating fucking junk food though, honestly..

Food deserts are a real fucking issue - but a separate, albeit it related one, but I wouldn’t be able to vouch for just how many would theoretically be impacted by that. I find it hard to believe everyone isn’t within some distance of a Wal-Mart this day and age.

Actually poor all through my 20's and fucking dirt poor as a kid. Didn’t get out of poverty until my 30s’s.