
He isn’t. It is a government assistance program funded by taxpayers. This is exactly the time when we should restrict what people should get, so they are able to be healthy. I don’t want this to be a public subsidy to fucking Pepsi and Mars and whatnot.

He isn’t wrong. People on assistance are already on the poverty end of the spectrum and eating junk food is like a death sentence to them. If they got fresh food and cooked more (I know this is hard, but it is worth it), they would help prevent a lot of shitty diseases/conditions that go with poor diet. Then they

No, I was referring to the comment on Palestine.

Wow, what a gross misunderstanding of the actual history of the area.

These WH press corps folks haven’t been journalists in a loooooooooong time.

Arbitrary nonsense there, bud. “If it isn’t this exact scenario, it isn’t comparable” is a laughable rebuttal. The comparison to Apartheid has been around for a looooooooong time and is accurate in most aspects, even if it came to be under obviously different circumstances. Disregarding the similarities because of

“Won” is a nonsense term for this. The Israeli’s didn’t win shit - they took the area via a confluence of political instability, the post-Holocaust climate, and terrorism. The Palestinian people had little recourse and the world has generally only offered weak platitudes (especially the US, which actively works

Aw, can’t back up your claim so you are bowing out? How precious.

No, I am stuck in tentative land right now. Looks like July at the earliest. Waiting on a thing at work to go through before I can fully commit.

Go ahead and cite where the coach’s direct involvement generated that revenue and not the broad fan base built on a marketable franchise that existed before (or after) said coach. There is nothing to indicate a coach generates that income. Texas A&M has ten times the enrollment size of Alabama A&M and a radically

You are ignoring the context. As concerns murder, it was the illegal and unwanted termination of a potential life. What it was at the time doesn’t matter, because the woman did not get to make the decision. That it could have been is the case being made in a court. That is not the same argument being made about what

lol wut?

Yuuuuuuuuup. And it is goddamn infuriating.

Actually, it isn’t. I didn’t say there was “There’s no difference at all between” revenue. I said the teams generated revenue. You tried though!

The term “life” used in that is a loose term that isn’t contextually related to this discussion. It is a nice try, but you are tossing out the context to make a rather weak point.



Well good thing that isn’t what I said, now is it?

No. They wouldn’t. The headlines would read it while scientists rolled their eyes.