
Israel is a mess. This region overall is a mess. Shame we can’t get a coalition together akin to how the world united to help end Apartheid and get this shit sorted.

Oh that is horseshit. Even schools with shit teams still generate lots of revenue. The coach does not generate that income - the team does. Coaches do dick to deserve six figures, especially when the players get nothing and these schools let their students go hungry.

I would say they found a “congealed mass of cells” on Mars. Duh.

Or take that stupid pay that not in any way actually generates that income and give it to the players who actually do something. It infuriates me that these athletes get dick, but the coaches make six figures for doing really nothing special.

Nothing the coach is doing is generating that money. That is a culturally ingrained sports-fan-driven market that exists far independent of that coach. The coach means dick and does very little. Marketing teams and players do more to generate that revenue than a fucking coach does.

That isn’t belief, that is science. The only people who believe the wacky shit of life-at-conception are fundamentalists who believe the words of Iron Age goat-herders over proven modern science.

Because life doesn’t start at conception. Once a child is born it has spent 9 months developing into an actual human, for a good chunk of the time prior it is just a congealed mass of cells that doesn’t really constitute a full-fledged human.

Right? What do coaches fucking do to earn that wage? Nothing they do is worth that. Yet kids trying to get ahead in this awful fucking system (debt for education on the hopes of a job) are going hungry? Fucking dreadful.

I am not a fan of our current military (and its entire industrial complex). It doesn’t mean we should have mandatory service. It might work for a tiny nation like Switzerland, but here? No fucking way. At least not with the current benefits packages and shit the military gets. Just seems like a bloated, awful idea to

Unique, in that nothing else in DS is like them.

Right? I have so many UHC just for PvP already, mimics are nothing.

Extremely common strategy. Especially for low SL runs. I usually toss an arrow at the mimic to aggro and the demon will aggro the mimic.

Atrocious. R1 spamming casul.

Your loss. It is part of the journey to learn from mistakes and missteps. It is hardly as punishing as people make it out to be.

Quality Souls trolling right there.

And read the notes players leave. 9/10 they are useful. About 1/10 you will be rolling off a cliff. Such is the life of the Chosen Undead.

Mandatory service? Awful idea. Absolutely fucking awful.


Exerting their dominion, if you will.