I didn’t encourage the suicide, only that he prioritize his decision ahead of the other tedious stuff. And how am I the bigger asshole? Dude is a drama queen.
I didn’t encourage the suicide, only that he prioritize his decision ahead of the other tedious stuff. And how am I the bigger asshole? Dude is a drama queen.
Nope, not that. I am not giving a dissertation on my philosophy to appease some internet folks who aren’t actually interested in it for any other reason than to rip into it because it isn’t their chosen ideology.
And Democrats are socialists and Republicans are christian fundies. Generalizations do so little.
Anyone can be a corporatist. Anyone of any party - there are many in the GOP and even in the Democratic party. Libertarians are no different. Personally, I am pro-union and all for labor having a voice, because that to me seems like an obvious extension of the individual, whereas corporations are not all individuals…
lol wut? Jesus you are a miserable fucking troll.
It is a gotcha because it is a single issue on a platform that is significantly larger than one issue. But because this issue was something I didn’t explain in enough depth to suit you, somehow I do’t understand it. Sorry again for not having a dissertation at the ready!
Well that isn’t what I said, but you seem like a troll who will continue to do this shit. Kinja never disappoints.
There we go. That is the “gotcha” I was waiting for. An assertion that, because I didn’t go into sufficient detail for you on this specific topic, that “it doesn’t sound like you have particularly well formed or well though out ideas regarding the political philosophy you yourself are advocating.”. That didn’t take…
Are you not familiar with a Democratic Republic and how people of all sorts of varying beliefs handle governance? America seems to agree on very little but manages to exist just fine (-ish... I mean now, not so hot).
Yeah, it is bland, but what do you expect? Most normal humans don’t have a running list of agencies they want to keep/remove. I have no doubt many Libertarians do want to ax that stuff. Personally, I don’t think that they should be unless an evaluation finds them overreaching or easily rolled into a more efficient…
Who argues in good faith around here? Are you new?
every individual deciding to whatever their liberty allows them to?
That is why anarchy doesn’t work. Libertarians are not anarchists.
No government is anarchy. Those are anarchists. Libertarians want a small, responsible gov’t.
No dummy. it is because no matter the answer, it will be met with some form of bullshit retort. It isn’t about the substance, but a mode to bash the philosophy, not actually offer any useful critique.
I see that point. The more extreme wing of the LP is like that. While I hate to dip into the anecdotal, I find millennial Libertarians tend to be of the left variety and more willing to evaluate based on need and civil benefit as pertains to the protection of life, liberty and property. Wanting a smaller, more…
You are a special kind of dumb.
Eh. It isn’t like I just have a list of grievances on hand. My stance would be to have a general evaluation of each agency, their need, their reach, etc. Same for laws too - we have waaaaaaaay too many.
To be fair, Libertarianism hasn’t really been tried in earnest. And I know about the varying types of libertarian - I am of the “left” variety, which I find the least insufferable and most practical. Hence me banging that drum and all.
Left Libertarians understand the role of regulation that protects the common good, because that is a basic reinforcement of individual liberty. Not really a tough concept, tiger. Life, liberty and property, remember?