Continue being a fucking ignorant fool. Its a free country.
Continue being a fucking ignorant fool. Its a free country.
Because the people making claims are routinely citing actions anarchists would take. I generally just remind them of that and that Libertarians aren’t anarchists (or Republicans, for that matter).
Ah, now that is pedantry I can get behind.
lol wut? Yeah, my pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-legalization stances go over GREAT with the GOP. My stance against military interventions and a massive reduction in the military, as well as a total review of law enforcement for its handling of shooting deaths of black men gets me massive applause among the…
Nah, I just don’t play those games. Been there done that and while I truly love wasting work time here, i’d rather comment on food over on the Takeout than waste time on this shit with folks looking to just pounce on literally anything I post. You want to know, you can hop on over to the LP website and dig around.
Well that is a fucking stupid comment and wholly inaccurate.
Well I won’t dispute that, but it sure seems like most folks here don’t fucking know either. They seem to think they are just anarchists, which is just not accurate.
Well those are two assumptions of the philosophy that aren’t accurate. Individualism does not preclude assistance, because libertarians do not wholly eschew society - we aren’t anarchists. And given the emphasis of rule of law, a want of limited/responsible gov’t, and said individual liberties - it does get in the way…
Did you read the OP’s post? He called out capitalism. And that is our economic system, meaning if he wants to exist outside of it, he won’t get very far. Not like he can barter his way off the grid.
Oh, there it is. Looking for those “gotcha” takes. No thanks.
If they can’t be on Tricare, they have options. A (likely) Disabled Vet is top choice for a GS job, which has Federal Healthcare options and pay well too.
I didn’t say he should. Just that if he was going to, it’d be way easier not doing it last. Clearly, this guy wasn’t making a real statement about suicide, you dipshit.
Who said anything about eating the poor? You seem to be conflating Libertarians with Republicans.
It sat in there for like no time at all, right? Plus, it just needs to be recharged right?
...maybe I am jaded by being in the South, but that isn’t uncommon among the faithful.
Hell, I thought they were straight-up wrapping the show up. But that ending was just hilariously perfect.
Sure, Dale. Sure.
Single people trying to get the most mileage form their purchase?
Wow. How you going to buy those things you need without capitalism? If you are off the grid, you aren’t getting anything from the State. Soooo... this sounds really dumb.
So if they aren’t for just everything wholesale, they are only for “what is most convenient”? That is bullshit.