
What the honest to god fuck are you on about?

wut? I think you might want to hug the OP, who was talking about blowing his head off.

It never truly washes off.

Maybe she is Cuban. Maybe she supports normalization of relations with Cuba. Who gives a fuck? Does she need to wear an American flag to pass your requirements for patriotism?

Well remember, Trump didn’t want to win. It was written on his face when he did. And this whole President gig is so hard! But he can’t step down, because he is a narcissist and will never admit he can’t do something that he has deemed easy already.

Solid gold.

Nonsense. I am sure he has three-chambered heart just like all his ilk.

Skip the bullshit and go straight to the last part. Or get a job with healthcare coverage like the rest of the non-military citizens?

Libertarians don’t want to destroy institutions that keep things in check. You are confusing them with anarchists.

Not enough thoughts and prayers, I guess.

...I would. It isn’t like it would put the fire out and pissing on someone like that would be cathartic, right?

I may not miss his policies as much, but god damn do I miss his presence. He absolutely was the embodiment of poise and dignity.

This makes no sense. Are you saying Libertarians - who espouse individual liberty as paramount - would advocate a system in which one person has absolute authority? I think you are immensely confused as to what a Libertarian is.

No. It isn’t. You are confused. You think Libertarians are anarcho-capitalists. They are not.

How fucking so? Some of N52 I didn’t enjoy, mostly due to editorial decisions and writing. But some of it I loved, for the same reasons. Nothing is perfect. Get off your stupid high horse and enjoy things.

Purity test in action, folks! Not left enough for a “true” leftist, I guess? Seriously, that is a shit take.

Again, your loss. I’d say the Green Lantern and JLD runes were phenomenal and worth keeping up with. You sound salty though, so I am sure you will hate those or have some grievance. C’est la vie.

You sound like you take this shit waaaaaay too seriously. Your loss.

Wait, shit sandwich? We are talking about DC, not Marvel. ;)

Drivers have the right of way. Pedestrians have crosswalks. Its the law. If she had not jaywalked, she might not have been hit by a car. This is a risk everyone takes when they do this - autonomous or not. Blaming the car, given what I have seen presented, is absurd since no one could have braked in time for this.