
There is a surprising difference! I thought like you once too. It took the Pit and a few other joints to convince me it wasn’t all a soppy mess of pork and vinegar. There is a lot of depth to the meat at The Pit. Plus it has a good variety on the menu, in addition to that chopped they do pulled as well, plus other

It is in America, bud. We don’t have a shred of nuance here.

Anarchy is no government oversight. Libertarians want responsible government oversight, when necessary. Big difference. You are thinking that they are the same thing and they most assuredly are not. At all.

They are moderates. Views from either side, neither to the extreme. Really, this is not that hard. Other nations have Centrist groups.

Hurr hurrr. Mediocre attempt at shaming. You’re still wrong and now further confirmed as a total jackass. Not that anyone here at Takeout had any doubts there.

Yes, it is. Because of context. When you look at where they stand on the issues, they are in the “center”. Not too far left or right, with beliefs from both sides. Pretty simple.

Well, I would be loathe to call that BBQ. It doesn’t meet the smoking criteria. I meant more that all actual BBQ (as in smoked meats) are glorious.

Left libertarians are essentially centrist.

I was shocked when I saw it hadn’t been posted like three times already.

Same. AYNIK had a waaaaaaaaaaay better ending. But also way dark.

Wrong. Because in context of the book/manga, it actually makes sense. Also, it is just a great eye-catching name.

That shit is good. When I am not being a cheapass, I get that stuff.

It is a bit on the sweet side. Good on some chicken nuggets... like all SBR sauces.

It is a bit on the sweet side. Good on some chicken nuggets... like all SBR sauces.

Go to Raleigh. Go to The Pit. Eat. Then get back to me. That should open your eyes wide to the glory of Eastern NC style BBQ.

As a resident of NC and formerly SC who has bad BBQ from allllllll over, I think this is a bad take. Especially as regards Stubbs and SBRs. Both are good sauces, for what they are.

do it right

Eh. I’d say it is hate that got us Trump.

You must not like a lot of variety of BBQ. Mustard has a home, as does vinegar. The Carolinas are truly unique and glorious in their BBQ pedigree.